Lawmakers file discharge petition, aiming to force floor vote on WEP, GPO bill
The discharge petition the lawmakers filed requires 218 signatures — a simple House majority — to force a floor vote, possibly ending WEP and GPO for good.
“There’s really no telling just how much of an impact election year politics could have if we do face a shutdown,” Larry Allen said.
Booz Allen’s Kuan Collins shares user-centric, data-centric innovation tactics to take advantage of modern technology to address complex federal challenges.
“Confidentiality is anathema to the purpose of these policies, which is to restore public trust,” Jeff Ruch said.
“The unique solution that we’ve created combines atmospheric water generation where we suck the water from the humidity in the air,” Lanson Jones said.
The dynamic social media duo finds a new tone for State Department’s travel handle.
Daily photos of things happening in and around the federal government.