OPM details 2013 health plan premium increases

Federal employees will see a slight increase — averaging 3.4 percent — in what they pay towards their 2013 health plan premiums.

Federal employees will see a slight increase — averaging 3.4 percent — in what they pay toward their 2013 health plan premiums.

The Office of Personnel Management released next year’s rates for the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program plans:

On average, enrollees in the FEHBP will pay $2.75 more biweekly for self-only coverage and $6.39 more for family coverage, according to OPM.

For example, enrollees in the popular Blue Cross Blue Shield basic plan will pay $2.82 more biweekly for self-only and $6.59 more for family coverage. The USPS is picking up a bigger portion of the premium cost. Postal employees in the BCBS basic plan will pay $1.86 more biweekly for self-only and $4.34 more for family coverage.

Click on links above to see premium changes for individual plans.

Next year, federal employees, retirees and their families can choose from 230 health plans. Open season to enroll or change plans for 2013 is from Nov. 12 through Dec. 10.


Column: Falling in love: It pays to go postal

Premiums for federal health plan set to increase 3.4 percent

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