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  • Rep. James Lankford (R-Okla.) has cosponsored two pieces of legislation that target duplication of government services, both in the legislative and executive branches.

    May 08, 2012
  • A House panel has unveiled a $608 billion defense spending bill that restores some of the programs the Pentagon wanted to cut next year and provides nearly $1 billion for Israeli missile defense programs. The House Appropriations Committee released the bill on Monday that includes $519.2 billion for the fiscal 2013 base budget and $88.5 billion for the war in Afghanistan and other counterterrorism activities. That's $1.1 billion more than the current level and $3.1 billion more than President Barack Obama requested.

    May 08, 2012
  • Dr. Sonja Batten, deputy chief for specialty mental health, Veterans Affairs Department, discusses the VA's plans to hire 2,000 mental health professionals and support staff. Rep. James Lankford (R-Okla.) talks about two bills aimed at reducing the number of duplicative government programs.

    May 08, 2012
  • Officials from the Defense Department and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau signed a joint statement of shared principles.

    May 08, 2012
  • The Navy is deploying two roving teams to combat what it sees as an serious threat: stress.

    May 08, 2012
  • The Armed Services committee Seapower chairman is tired of waiting for the Navy's ship building plan to come in.

    May 08, 2012
  • The Morning Federal Newscast is a daily compilation of the stories you hear Federal Drive hosts Tom Temin and Emily Kopp discuss throughout the show each day. The Newscast is designed to give users more information about the stories you hear on the air. Today's news includes the Merit Systems Protection Board revising its governing policies for the first time in 33 years and new initiatives at the Office of Personnel Management.

    May 08, 2012
  • Congressmen introduce the Harry Lew Military Hazing Accountability and Prevention Act of 2012, a bill aimed at preventing hazing in the military services.

    May 08, 2012
  • The number of federal workers who retired last year was up big-time. Many experts thought the long-awaited retirement tsunami was upon us, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. Until last month when it slowed dramatically. So what does that mean for you?

    May 08, 2012
  • On the In Depth show blog, you can listen to the interviews, find more information about the guests on the show each day and links to additional resources.

    May 08, 2012
  • A plan to avoid automatic cuts to discretionary federal spending, including the Defense Department's, advanced in the House, passing the budget committee and heading to the House floor for a vote later this week. Among the $300 billion in alternative cuts approved by the committee, in a 21-9 party-line vote, is a provision requiring federal employees to pay more for their retirement benefits.

    May 07, 2012
  • Professional Services Council President and CEO Stan Soloway will talk contracting with host Mark Amtower. May 7, 2012

    May 07, 2012
  • The Air Force is re-branding its personnel services and human resources website. AFPERS will now be known as myPers and be modeled after the myPay model the Defense Department now uses.

    May 07, 2012
  • The Submarine Learning Center, at the Naval Submarine Base New London, has won a LEED silver award for being green. The center's headquarters uses geothermal heating a cooling systems and is built out of recycled building materials.

    May 07, 2012