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  • Testifying before a House subcommittee, FBI Director Robert Mueller said terrorists have not used the Internet to launch a full-scale cyber attack, but the bureau does not underestimate an enemy\'s desire to do so.

    March 08, 2012
  • Federal Chief Information Officer Steven VanRoekel said agency technology managers will receive reports on the accuracy of the data they put in the portal. The Office of Management and Budget will use the reports to spot possible problematic projects. Version two of the IT Dashboard also will offer more information on specific projects that fall under a bigger investment category.

    March 08, 2012
  • Vice Admiral Philip Cullom is the deputy chief of Naval Operations for Fleet Readiness and Logistics at the Navy.

    March 08, 2012
  • Have you ever been faked at work? Does your agency consistently low-ball performance ratings in order to save money or play favorites? Check out Senior Correspondent Mike Causey\'s Federal Report for an inside look at the performance rating game.

    March 08, 2012
  • A group of lawmakers has proposed an update to the law governing federal employees' political activity that would exempt some state and local employees and allow for a range of penalties other than automatic suspension for minor violations.

    March 07, 2012
  • NARFE\'s David Snell and Federal Times reporters Stephen Losey and Sean Reilly join host Mike Causey to talk about the issues affecting your job and retirement. March 7, 2012

    March 07, 2012
  • This week on AFGE\'s \"Inside Government\" AFGE National Council of Social Security Administration Field Operations Locals President Witold Skwierczynski discusses the union\'s conceptual agreement with SSA for a new national contract. Skwierczynski also addresses the impact of office closures on the public. AFGE Housing and Urban Development Council 222 Executive Vice President Carolyn Federoff analyzes the federal deficit while Environmental Agency Protection Council 238 Executive Vice President Tom Link provides an update on the council\'s Save the Environment - Save the EPA campaign.

    March 07, 2012
  • The FBI has identified and charged several key members of the hacker collective Anonymous and at least one member of the loose-knit group has turned FBI informant. Alan Paller, the director of research at the SANS Institute joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the recent cybersecurity developments.

    March 07, 2012
  • Geoff Weber, a principal in KPMG\'s Federal Advisory Practice, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss a recent KPMG report on public-sector adoption of cloud computing around the world.

    March 07, 2012
  • The Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced the launch of a public database that includes information about households under some of HUD\'s housing programs.

    March 07, 2012
  • The Senate Budget Committee examined the FY 2013 budget request for the Defense Department Tuesday. Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) said providing funding for national security is the \"single most important responsibility\" of lawmakers and the government. Three expert witnesses also testified.

    March 07, 2012
  • The military is laying the groundwork for a more diverse officer corps, officials told a congressional panel Tuesday. The Defense Department and military services have tackled most of the recommendations that a congressional commission made a year ago. But, recent hazing incidents suggest that the leaders\' focus on diversity hasn\'t trickled down through the ranks.

    March 07, 2012
  • An interagency group of senior officials will brief Senate lawmakers today on what would be the response if the nation\'s critical infrastructure suffered a cyber attack. The meetings come as Senate lawmakers debate two cyber bills that try to address critical infrastructure protection.

    March 07, 2012
  • Don Adcock, executive director of the Army Information Technology Agency, tells Federal News Radio\'s Jared Serbu about how the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks forced the Pentagon to start consolidating data centers long before the topic was on most agencies\' radar screens.

    March 07, 2012