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  • Infosec Island reports it has received evidence indicating that the Indian government is engaged in espionage, specifically targeting the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC), and potentially thousands of U.S. government networks.

    January 11, 2012
  • The Electronic Privacy Information Center is suing the Homeland Security Department and the National Security Agency. In both cases, EPIC is unhappy with how the government responded to its Freedom of Information Act requests.

    January 11, 2012
  • Jordy Yager, a reporter for the Hill, says that Congress\'s number one priority for 2012 is to present the president with a comprehensive cybersecurity bill.

    January 11, 2012
  • Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), the ranking member on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, anticipates strong opposition to President Obama\'s promised 0.5 percent pay increase for federal employees.

    January 11, 2012
  • The Air Force and EPA signed a memorandum of understanding last month to conduct environmental footprint analyses on Air Force installations in the Pacific Southwest Region.

    January 11, 2012
  • The White House launches a new initiative to better secure the computers that run critical infrastructure like power plants and water systems.

    January 11, 2012
  • The Morning Federal Newscast is a daily compilation of the stories you hear Federal Drive host Tom Temin discuss throughout the show each day. Today\'s headlines include a reading list for the Air Force Chief of Staff, today\'s insourcing meeting at the White House and the Air Force\'s search for wearable computers.

    January 11, 2012
  • President Barack Obama spoke to employees of the Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday, challenging them to continue pursuing their \"vital mission\" of protecting the American people.

    January 11, 2012
  • Do you have the feeling that all politicians hate you? Are you disappointed that the proposed federal pay raise will bring the average worker less than $400 a year? There may be light at the tunnel, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says — whether its sunshine or a freight train is yet to be determined.

    January 11, 2012
  • Host John Gilroy will talk cloud computing with Tony Bardo, assitant vice president for Government Solutions at Hughes. January 10, 2012

    January 10, 2012
  • Robert Shea, a principal at Grant Thornton and former associate director for administration and government performance at OMB, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the leadership changes at OMB as they unfold so close to budget time.

    January 10, 2012
  • The Air Force has announced Lt. Gen. Bill Lord, will retire as the service\'s chief information officer at the end of July. Taking over for Lord, who was named chief of warfighting integration and the chief information officer in July 2009, will be Lt. Gen. Michael Basla.

    January 10, 2012
  • The agency said it wants to reduce its workforce by 5 percent. GSA hopes the restructuring will ensure it has the skill sets required for peak efficiency and effectiveness. The Office of Personnel Management must approve its request.

    January 10, 2012
  • The big shrink is on at the Agriculture Department. The department announced plans to close 259 offices, labs and other facilities. Government Executive Editor-in-Chief Tom Shoop joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss what the department\'s plan means, both for itself and as a model for other agencies.

    January 10, 2012