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  • Japan has chosen F-35 stealth fighter to replace aging jets in its air force and bolster its defense capability. The selection comes at a time of high instability. The death of Kim Jong il, skirmishes between neighboring countries and China\'s pursuit of dominance in the region are all factors in the decision. Defense Minister Yasuo Ichikawa says, \"Our decision on the next-generation fighters was an extremely important one for our national security, and we wanted to acquire fighters with solid capability.

    January 02, 2012
  • This is a critical time for Syria --in 48 hours The Arab League is sending observers in to see how the \"cease-fire\" is going. If the it falls apart, the Arab League leadership has said they will go to the UN Security Council. But the question is if the UN is called upon, does it have what\'s necessary to put together a plan of intervention. And what will Iran do? Syria is a key ally for the Iranians when necessary. Another question is if the Assad regime falls, what will replace it?

    January 02, 2012
  • The last American prisoner in Iraq, a Hezbollah commander linked to the kidnapping deaths of four U.S. soldiers, was turned over to the Iraqi government Friday, the White House said. Republicans had wanted Daqduq prosecuted before a military tribunal at the Guantanamo Bay base in Cuba. The Obama administration had hoped a compromise would be to prosecute Daqduq in a first-of-its-kind military commission on U.S. soil. But the Iraqi government would not let the United States take Daqduq out of the country for trial, White House spokesman Tommy Vietor said.

    January 02, 2012
  • The Air Force said Thursday it was investigating a photograph of a group of airmen posing with another airman pretending to be dead and lying in an open casket with a noose around his neck. An Air Force spokesman at the Pentagon, said the airmen in the photo are from Lackland Air Force Base in Texas and were attending training at Fort Lee, Va. In the photo, 15 airmen wearing military fatigues surround another airman in the casket has chains on his body and a noose around his neck.

    January 02, 2012
  • Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Wednesday the U.S. will continue to conduct intelligence operations from Afghanistan like the recent mission that led to the loss of a drone over Iran, and he gave an upbeat assessment of the unpopular war. During a news conference with with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, Panetta sidestepped questions about the lost drone. Secretive details about the U.S. intelligence and surveillance efforts aimed at Iran were exposed.

    January 02, 2012
  • A $5.5 billion upgrade to the Global Positioning System is closer to reality. A new generation of GPS satellites, called Block III is being tested. It\'s going to make military and civilian receivers more accurate, powerful and reliable. The Air Force Space Command at Peterson Air Force Base, Colo. over sees the US GPS system. The Block III satellites are expected to allow military and civilian users to determine their position within 3 feet.

    January 02, 2012
  • Michele Flournoy, the most senior female Pentagon official in history, told The Associated Press on Monday she is stepping down as the chief policy adviser to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. In an interview in her Pentagon office, Flournoy said she feels compelled to \"rebalance\" her personal life after three years in one of the most demanding national security jobs in Washington. \"By nature it is an all-consuming job and it does take a toll on the family,\" she said, adding that she considers her time as the undersecretary of defense for policy as \"probably the highlight of my professional life.\"

    January 02, 2012
  • The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says the Pakistani military, \"believe we did this intentionally.\" General Martin Dempsey, speaking during a question and answer session sponsored by the Atlantic Council in Washington, was referring to the NATO airstrike that killed 24 Pakistani troops two weeks ago. Dempsey said it\'s \"incomprehensible\"that they would believe that based on U.S. military relationship building efforts.

    January 02, 2012
  • The news didn\'t stop for the holidays and neither did Federal News Radio. Get a head start on the new year by catching up on the big stories that you may have missed.

    January 02, 2012
  • What were the most popular Mike Causey columns from this year? Here they are listed for you!

    January 02, 2012
  • Scott Talbott of the Financial Services Roundtable discusses the CARD Act and how it affects the fees and rules regarding credit cards and gift cards and the impact these changes have on consumers.

    December 31, 2011
  • Registered employee benefit consultant Ed Zurndorfer has tips on charitable giving and capital assets to save money on your 2011 taxes.

    December 30, 2011
  • Launched in 1977, the Voyager One space probe is approaching the heliosphere, the large bubble created by the sun, on a journey to a faraway constellation. Ed Stone has been the chief scientist of the Voyager program since its inception in 1972. He and other NASA scientists have been tracking Voyager for 34 years, listening to his transmissions and analyzing its scientific discoveries.

    December 30, 2011
  • The hacker group Anonymous claims it hacked into state government systems by stealing and reusing the passwords officers used to access their personal email accounts.

    December 30, 2011