
  • After six years, the Department of Homeland Security decided in April to abandon its strategy to upgrade biological weapon detection equipment in large U.S. cities. But there is no backup plan so far, and the current system won't last much longer. To date, DHS says it has actually expended only $61 million on Biowatch 3, and officials told the House Homeland Security Committee on Tuesday that they are moving quickly to come up with a new acquisition plan.

    June 11, 2014
  • Your deadline is coming soon to tell your boss what you think of your job. Friday is the last day to fill out your Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey from the Office of Personnel Management. The data from those surveys will shape human resources policy across government. But the Government Accountability Office says chief human capital officers have other options to build and strengthen their workforces. Robert Goldenkoff is director of strategic issues at the GAO. He tells Federal News Radio's Francis Rose on In Depth about

    June 10, 2014
  • Lawyers say GSA's analysis of the impact of OS3 on small businesses met the requirements under the Small Business Jobs Act.

    June 10, 2014
  • Leaders of both the House and Senate pledge to move quickly on legislation to help the Veterans Affairs Department treat the more than 100,000 vets who are either waiting months for medical appointments or have been unable to see a doctor. At a House hearing late last night, a top VA official apologized for the delays, calling them indefensible. Martin Matishak, staff writer at The Hill, joined Emily Kopp on the Federal Drive to discuss prospects for legislation and VA's future.

    June 10, 2014
  • Congress is back at work, after its most recent vacation, and members are filled with righteous indignation. Fortunately for federal workers, it isn't directed at their pay, benefits or retirement package, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    June 10, 2014
  • The electronic wait system for keeping track of and monitoring initial primary-care appointments for new patients at Veterans Affairs medical facilities is not the only scheduling system at VA that's now under scrutiny. A separate system for monitoring VA patients' access to outpatient specialty care -- such as cardiologists, gastroenterologists and physical therapists — is also "unreliable," according to GAO's Debra Draper, who testified before the House Veterans Affairs Committee Monday evening.

    June 09, 2014
  • Kevin Plexico, vice president of Research for Deltek and GovWin, joins host Mark Amtower to talk about what's ahead for the GovCon market the rest of this year and in 2015. June 9, 2014

    June 09, 2014
  • Jenny Mattingley hosts a roundtable discussion of legislation on Capitol Hill that impacts federal workers. June 6, 2014

    June 06, 2014
  • In this edition of Inside the Reporter's Notebook, Executive Editor Jason Miller shares news and buzz about the IT and acquisition communities.

    June 06, 2014
  • Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced Gen. Joe Dunford is the new Marine Corps commandant nominee, and Rear Adm. Walter Carter Jr. has been nominated to lead the U.S. Naval Academy.

    June 06, 2014
  • The House has approved a bill to give the Veterans Affairs secretary the right to fire senior executives almost at will. It's understandable — members of Congress are outraged over long waiting times and falsification of records at VA hospitals, compounded by the fact that VA managers have received millions of dollars in bonuses. But it's not clear whether the proposal is legal. In our weekly legal loop segment, federal employment attorney John Mahoney spoke with Tom Temin and Emily Kopp on the Federal Drive. He explained exactly what the House approved and who the bill affects.

    June 05, 2014
  • Eleven vendors submitted protests to GAO over GSA's desire to extend the OS2 contract another six months. The contractors say GSA's extension would violate the Small Business Jobs Act because they didn't do a contract consolidation impact assessment.

    June 05, 2014
  • More contractors than ever are losing their government business to suspension and debarment. The Government Accountability Office reports even agencies that don't have much history of suspensions and debarments filed 14 times more cases since 2010. Ron Schechter and Kristen Ittig, partners at Arnold and Porter, are looking at the rising trend of suspension and debarment cases and what it means for contractors doing business with federal agencies.

    June 04, 2014
  • Congress may seem consumed by hot-button issues like the Veterans Affairs scandal, but it is moving forward on the nitty-gritty. The House has passed a few fiscal 2015 budget bills. It's moving forward on others. In the Senate, Senate Appropriations Chair Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) pledges: no more government on auto-pilot. Her committee will approve spending bills too. For an update on all the appropriations, Erik Wasson, a staff writer at The Hill, spoke with Tom and Emily on the Federal Drive.

    June 03, 2014