
  • House Armed Services and Veterans Affairs committees inserted a provision in the fiscal 2014 Defense Authorization Bill requiring DoD and VA to have an interoperable health record system by 2017. Agency officials say they already are and will continue to share health care data, but having one integrated, interoperable health care management system is no longer necessary.

    July 11, 2013
  • The Office of Personnel Management's proposed changes to the Combined Federal Campaign, the annual federal fundraising drive, are getting a frosty reception from local charities. OPM wants to do away with the local volunteer coordinating committees and put in place a set of more centralized regional committees established by OPM. It also wants to require charities to pay an application fee and eliminate cash and check donations in favor of electronic donations. However, some charities say the proposed changes would likely lead to fewer charities joining the program -- and fewer total donations.

    July 10, 2013
  • John Thompson made his case to be the next head of the Census before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Tuesday. He said technology is the key to cutting costs and improving the count's accuracy.

    July 10, 2013
  • The embattled Internal Revenue Service faces a 24 percent cut to its budget next year, under a spending plan introduced by the House Appropriations Committee Tuesday. The IRS funding was included in the committee's Financial Services and General Government Appropriations bill, which also includes funding for the Treasury Department, the General Services Administration and the Executive Office of the President. The subcommittee is set to mark up the proposal Wednesday.

    July 09, 2013
  • House Republicans said IRS official Lois Lerner waived her right to remain silent by giving an opening statement in her hearing. Lerner still may testify before Congress with a variety of consequences.

    July 09, 2013
  • House members with constituents impacted by budget cuts to the Patent and Trademark Office and Department of Defense are taking steps to ease the effect of sequestration and furloughs.

    July 08, 2013
  • The annual appropriations process is a complex and arduous Washington practice. But sequestration has snarled the process this year. As appropriators work to set agency funding, the House and the Senate disagree about how to account for the cuts in next year's spending plans.

    July 07, 2013
  • On this week's Capital Impact show, Bloomberg Government analysts will discuss how the Berry Amendment is affecting troop supplies, what's ahead for Congress when its members return from vacation, and the lobbying activities of companies that supply goods and services associated with the July 4th holiday. July 4, 2013

    July 04, 2013
  • The Office of Personnel Management needs to beef up its role in helping agencies set goals for increasing telework, the Government Accountability Office concluded in a new report. Under the 2010 Telework Enhancement Act, agencies are required to take new steps to increase the number of employees who telework -- and OPM is required to report to Congress on agencies' goals for doing so. But GAO found many new mandated reporting requirements went unmet in OPM's 2012 report to Congress, the first since the telework law went into effect.

    July 02, 2013
  • A new report from the Government Accountability Office shows the Defense Department still lacks end goals and metrics in its service acquisition system. DoD currently is the largest buyer of services in the government.

    July 02, 2013
  • The Energy Department's Office of Environmental Management (EM) faced scrutiny in a hearing Thursday that questioned EM's contract management. DOE has been on the GAO's High Risk List for contract management since 1990.

    July 01, 2013
  • The law, which goes into effect today, expands reprisal protections to subcontractors and lets contractor employees report wrongdoing to supervisors within their own companies. Previously, contractors would have to go to government agencies or Congress to report waste, fraud and abuse.

    July 01, 2013
  • Agencies need to do more to fully implement the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act, according to the Government Accountability Office. Forty percent of agency managers remain unfamiliar with cross-agency priority goals developed by the administration. The report also recommends agencies do more to ensure the performance information they release is both useful and used by federal managers to measure agency results.

    June 28, 2013
  • The metrics used by the Defense Department to help determine whether it needs an official round of Base Realignments and Closures (BRAC) is in need of an update, according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office. Current procedures lack the precision needed to give the Pentagon accurate data on the number of excess properties it actually owns.

    June 27, 2013