
  • Rep. Darrell Issa plans to formally introduce the Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act before the end of March. The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held its second hearing on the draft bill. Current and former federal officials say the bill should place a stronger emphasis on project management and workforce issues.

    February 28, 2013
  • Career expert and author John Grobe, Federal News Radio's Julia Ziegler, and Federal Times senior writer Stephen Losey will discuss sequestration and other issues affecting federal workers. February 27, 2013

    February 27, 2013
  • A House Veterans Affairs Committee hearing on the decision by the Defense and Veterans Affairs Departments to scale back plans for a joint integrated electronic-health records systems dredged up longstanding issues with the two departments' EHR efforts.

    February 27, 2013
  • Beth Farrell and Jim Schweiter from McKenna Long and Aldridge LLP discuss how agencies and contractors will be affected by procurement. February 26, 2013

    February 26, 2013
  • The Republican senator from Oklahoma is asking the Office of Management and Budget to require agencies to stop hiring for certain positions. Instead, he would like that funding put towards mission critical jobs that could be affected by sequestration cuts. Coburn, the ranking member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, found 10 jobs listed on that he believes could be frozen. He says this would give agencies $1.4 million to spend on positions like border security officers and TSA screeners.

    February 25, 2013
  • Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is concerned new regulations may make whistleblowers even more reluctant to report tax fraud to the IRS. OMB Controller Danny Werfel says $85 billion in cuts under sequestration would hurt every state. Maj. Gen. Brett Williams says the U.S. Cyber Command is trying to figure how to normalize operations alongside air, land and sea capabilities. Lynn Singleton, director of environmental services at Lockheed Martin, talks about helping agencies move their email to the cloud. Dr. Milton Corn explains why The National Library of Medicine is monitoring social media.

    February 25, 2013
  • The White House released its estimate on the impact of cuts from sequestration would have on each state and the District of Columbia. OMB's Danny Werfel said they still are obtaining clarity on the impact $85 billion in cuts would have on each agency.

    February 25, 2013
  • On this week's Bloomberg Government Capital Impact show, analysts will discuss the impact of the cybersecurity executive order signed by President Obama. February 21, 2013

    February 21, 2013
  • What if we get sequestered and nothing happens? At least not right away? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey wants to know what if the government, instead of furloughing all FBI agents, TSA screeners, and air traffic controllers on the same day finds a way to muddle through -- at least for awhile.

    February 21, 2013
  • GAO's Mark Gaffigan talks about how the federal government will experience increased fiscal exposure due to climate change. Gary Somerset discusses the GPO's new Pinterest page. On Legal Loop, procurement attorney Joe Petrillo discusses a change in status for the Alaska Native Corporations. John Plaguta of the Partnership for Public Service discusses the critical skills gaps in the federal workplace. Former SEC Chairman Harvey Pitt talks about rule writing in the wake of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

    February 19, 2013
  • The next time Congress is in D.C. for an extended period of time, somebody should suggest that the House and the Senate investigate how much time and money has been lost preparing for a partial government shutdown almost everybody says would be a mistake. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    February 19, 2013
  • Federal News Radio wants to know what you think. Will sequestration go into effect when the deadline hits on March 1?

    February 18, 2013
  • OPM issued its fiscal 2011 Official Time report. The data shows employees, on average, spent 2.82 hours on union-related work during official hours. The cost of official time also increased by almost 12 percent.

    February 18, 2013
  • GAO adds two new areas to the list, NOAA's satellite programs and the federal government's financial risk because of climate change. Comptroller General Gene Dodaro said nearly every initiative on the list made progress in fixing their problems over the last two years.

    February 15, 2013