
  • The Defense Department removed the 10-page limit after Rep. Buck McKeon (R-Calif.) called the department's latest report on China "skimpy."

    July 13, 2012
  • The Government Accountability Office assessed the performance of seven federal agencies in migrating some of their services to the cloud as required by the Office of Management and Budget. Five of the seven agencies succeeded in meeting OMB's requirements and the other two are expected to be compliant by year's end.

    July 13, 2012
  • Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) said the United States is under cyber attack and that cybersecurity was a matter of national security.

    July 12, 2012
  • House Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon (R-Calif.) said a Defense Department report on China was skimpy and late.

    July 12, 2012
  • Chris Schoppmeyer, vice president for Agency Affairs at the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association will talk about legislation pending in Congress that affects members of his organization. July 6, 2012

    July 06, 2012
  • A House bill designed to reduce government redundancy by requiring agencies to provide detailed reports about the programs they operate will cost about $100 million for agencies to implement, according to a Congressional Budget Office analysis. The Taxpayers Right to Know Act, introduced by Rep. James Lankford, would required agencies to publicly post detailed information about each of the program they operate, including costs and the number of employee dedicated to them.

    July 06, 2012
  • Letter, sent to 15 large vendors, asks for estimated impacts of sequestration on defense contractors.

    July 06, 2012
  • Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.) said a realistic approach is needed to reform the Senior Executive Service. His bill would automatically increase pay for highly rated SESers. However, the bill leaves out controversial provisions requiring mandatory agency rotations for SES members. The pragmatic approach is necessary to "rescue" the program which has struggled with recruiting new members.

    July 03, 2012
  • The BRAC Commission of 2005 had estimated one- time costs would be $21 billion. The actual cost was $35.1 billion. In contrast, DoD spent $25 billion for the four previous BRAC rounds combined, GAO said.

    July 03, 2012
  • Rep. Nan Hayworth (R-N.Y.) introduced legislation that extends the mass transit tax break that expired at the end of 2011.

    July 03, 2012
  • Brian Friel talks about a Bloomberg Government report on contractors whose revenues exceed $100 million. Don Dees, chief of information strategies at Fort Belvoir, reports on damages caused by last weekend's storm. Procurement attorney Joseph Petrillo discusses risks that commercial item contractors might face. Hill reporter Ian Swanson provides a congressional roundup. Elliott Branch, the Navy's deputy assistant secretary for acquisition and procurement, has been nominated for a Service to America Medal.

    July 03, 2012
  • A report by the Congressional Research Service finds it's not clear whether agencies are meeting performance goals set out a June 2011 executive order to make the federal government more efficient and accountable.

    July 03, 2012
  • Lawmakers ask for DoJ's IG to investigate the effectiveness of the agency's efforts to protect the whistleblowers in the Fast and Furious case. After alleged negative and potential threatening comments by an ATF official, lawmakers are concerned if the motive is vindictive.

    July 02, 2012
  • The Government Accountability Office has turned back a protest over a multibillion dollar contract to administer part of the military's TRICARE health insurance system, the losing bidder said Monday. The Comptroller General's decision was not publicly released as of Monday afternoon, but TriWest officials said they had been notified of the rejection.

    July 02, 2012