
  • With Congress divided over nearly everything, the continuity of the government itself is uncertain. Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.) told Federal News Radio he holds little confidence Congress can pass appropriations bills by the time government funding runs out at the end of the month.

    September 15, 2011
  • On today\'s Federal Drive: Lawmakers plan to promote structural reforms in the Homeland Security Department through its authorization bill and the Senate Armed Services Committee mulls the numbers of the top ranks of the Defense Department.

    September 15, 2011
  • Members of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee marked up the DHS Authorization bill, complete with 68 amendments. Among the changes approved is requiring the agency to have auditable financial records by 2016.

    September 15, 2011
  • Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates complained there were 30 layers of bureaucracy between him and an action officer. Despite reforms he led, a new report finds the ratio of generals and admirals to the troops they lead remains unprecedentedly high.

    September 15, 2011
  • NASA Administrator Charles Bolden and several members of Congress on Wednesday unveiled the Obama administration\'s much-delayed general plans for its rocket design, called the Space Launch System.

    September 14, 2011
  • Pentagon found more than $800 million in Antideficiency Act violations from 2005 and 2008, but never reported these violations to Congress, lawmakers say.

    September 14, 2011
  • Pete Kasperowicz, a staff writer for The Hill newspaper, joined the Federal Drive to discuss some of the provisions that the final FAA reauthorization bill will likely contain.

    September 14, 2011
  • Ashton Carter, the nominee to be the new deputy Defense secretary, said DoD will need to consider civilian employee furloughs, the abandonment of major weapons systems and a severe curtailing of military training if the sequestration envisioned by Congress as a budget-cutting forcing function takes effect.

    September 14, 2011
  • On today\'s Federal Drive: Intelligence Community leaders indicate they will continue to focus on the workforce even as it faces looming budget cuts and the House passes an FAA reauthorization to stave off a shutdown at the transportation agency.

    September 14, 2011
  • James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, and CIA Director David Petraeus say they will protect the intelligence workforce against an impending budget squeeze. They told lawmakers they will look for cuts in technology and contracting instead.

    September 14, 2011
  • GAO says the cost of moving more defense workers to the border will depend on how they are deployed.

    September 13, 2011
  • A new Government Accountability Office report said the success of using National Guard troops to shore up gaps in Border Patrol personnel will depend on how the troops are deployed.

    September 13, 2011
  • On today\'s Federal Drive: some agencies have netted extra cash from governmentwide acquisition contracts and furloughed FAA workers won\'t receive back pay under the latest House FAA funding reauthorization.

    September 13, 2011
  • If you are looking for good news you\'ve come to the wrong place, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. It seems that while Congress and the White House say that creating jobs is the nation\'s top priority, the second largest federal agency hopes to shed a third of its workforce and 70,000 federal contractors were sent on unpaid furloughs this year.

    September 13, 2011