
  • GAO found four of six governmentwide acquisition contracts ended up with \'excess revenue\' for the agency in each of the last four years. GSA\'s schedules programs earned an extra $62 million a year, while Interior and NASA earned an extra $4.7 million and $1.7 million annually, respectively.

    September 12, 2011
  • A bill introduced in the House would give the Postal Service a 90-day extension to the Sept. 30 deadline to make a $5.5 billion pre-payment to its retiree health benefit fund.

    September 12, 2011
  • If the Postal Service were a business, it would be facing the equivalent of Chapter 11 bankruptcy. USPS lost $20 billion in last five years, and it is on track to lose more than $6 billion this year. GAO evaluates the state of the Postal Service and what needs to be done in the short-term by Congress.

    September 12, 2011
  • On today\'s Federal Drive: The House attempts to stave off a shutdown by passing a stopgap bill early and the Office of Federal Procurement Policy issues final guidance on \"inherently governmental\" positions.

    September 12, 2011
  • Track the budget process, step-by-step and find out how far along Congress is in allocating your agency\'s spending.

    September 12, 2011
  • Lawmakers are working on a continuing resolution to fund the government through late fall. Congress has not approved any of the 12 appropriations bills necessary to keep agencies running after the fiscal year ends in three weeks.

    September 09, 2011
  • Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) sent a letter to the White House urging President Obama to act now to save the cash-strapped Postal Service. The administration said it would propose reforms in the $1.5 trillion deficit reduction package it sends to Congress.

    September 09, 2011
  • The ranking member of the Homeland Security Committee said timing is critical as the committee prepares the DHS authorization bill.

    September 09, 2011
  • Cathy Berrick, the managing director for homeland security and justice issues at GAO, joined the Federal Drive to discuss the latest progress report on the agency. This interview is part of Federal News Radio\'s ongoing coverage of \"9/11: A Government Changed.\"

    September 09, 2011
  • The Senate passed the America Invents Act Thursday, clearing the way for passage of the first significant overhaul of the U.S. Patent system in 50 years. The House passed its version of the bill in June and President Barack Obama has said he will sign the legislation.

    September 09, 2011
  • Before a joint session of Congress, President Barack Obama proposed a combination of new spending measures and tax breaks — to the tune of some $447 billion — to help put more Americans to work.

    September 09, 2011
  • On today\'s Federal Drive: DHS celebrates its post-9/11 role and acknowledges the challenges that remain and the government works to keep counterfeit products out of its supply chain.

    September 08, 2011
  • Nearly nine years after President Bush signed the bill creating the Homeland Security Department, more than 100 committees and subcommittees continue to hold oversight responsibilities for the agency. Current and former DHS officials say enough is enough and Congress should reorganize themselves. But Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said he holds little confidence that will happen soon.

    September 08, 2011
  • An assessment of the Department of Homeland Security\'s transformation since its founding in 2003 finds major operational accomplishments and lingering management challenges. GAO released a status report to mark the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

    September 08, 2011