
  • More details are emerging about the $38 billion dollar deal lawmakers say they reached to keep the government from shutting down. Some cuts were made by pruning money left over from previous years. More than half of the cuts affect education, labor and health programs. A vote in the House is expected as early as Wednesday and the Senate must pass it by Friday to prevent a shutdown.

    April 12, 2011
  • Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), who led a Senate Intelligence Committee review of cybersecurity policy last year, said he is hopeful that Congress will be able to pass an overhaul of cyber laws this year. Whitehouse has been critical of the pace at which the Obama Administration has moved to propose such changes to lawmakers.

    April 11, 2011
  • A bill introduced last week in the Senate would hire more Federal Protective Service guards and increase resources for training.

    April 11, 2011
  • The White House and Congress agreed to both a short-term deal and a longer-term one funding the government through 2011 and cutting more than $35 billion. OMB issued new guidance telling agencies to resume normal operations which means feds should report to work as usual.

    April 09, 2011
  • editor Lindy Kyzer joins host Derrick Dortch for a discussion of the current job market and what you can do to find out which jobs are available. April 8, 2011 (Encore presentation April 29, 2011)

    April 08, 2011
  • Stan Soloway, president and CEO of the Professional Services Council, explains to what extent industry would hurt from a partial government shutdown.

    April 08, 2011
  • Eric Payne is a consultant at a local government contractor. He writes about staying positive on GovLoop.

    April 08, 2011
  • Tom Cole (R-Okla.) and Earl Blumenauer (D-Oreg.), both members of the House Budget Committee, reflect on budget talks so far.

    April 08, 2011
  • A breakdown of the number of employees to be furloughed at each agency in case of a partial government shutdown.

    April 08, 2011
  • President Obama expects to have an answer Friday morning about whether a shutdown can be averted. Meanwhile agencies have new guidance from OMB on how to prepare to close down their offices. Federal workers vent frustrations and ask questions during a town hall meeting sponsored by Rep. Jim Moran.

    April 08, 2011
  • The Office of Management and Budget detailed what agencies should do over the next four days to prepare for and in the event of a government shutdown.

    April 07, 2011
  • President Obama will veto a House bill that would make appropriations for the Defense Department for the remaining six months in this budget year.

    April 07, 2011
  • From around the Twittersphere, what are people saying about a possible government shutdown?

    April 07, 2011
  • Federal News Radio is closely following the prospect of a federal shutdown and how it would affect federal workers.

    April 07, 2011