Defense News

  • House lawmakers are still skeptical about what they see as wasteful spending to build green buildings in the Defense Department. Language in the 2013 defense authorization bill the House passed last week continues a prohibition on using any budget money to certify a DoD building as LEED Gold or LEED Platinum. The highest level allowed would be LEED Silver.

    May 23, 2012
  • Last year, the Pentagon spent nearly $75 billion on acquisitions of commercial items, more than double the amount from five years ago. But the word "commercial" in DoD applies to a lot of products you won't find on any store shelf.

    May 22, 2012
  • The Navy tried to ensure it properly addressed industry concerns as it developed its final solicitation for the $5.4 billion network contract. Some comments involved cost-reduction. Others related to fairness in competition.

    May 21, 2012
  • Retired Air Force Gen. Lester Lyles said new legislation calling for diversity benchmarks in the military would codify the recommendations of the commission he led in 2011 and would make for a better armed forces.

    May 21, 2012
  • The Navy's top man in Europe said cyber is the threat that keeps him up at night.

    May 21, 2012
  • During the last Defense drawdown, Congress and the White House pushed the Pentagon to make smarter buying decisions in the hopes that it would save a lot of money. The idea was to have the military buy many products the same way businesses do. A decade and a half later, DoD now spends tens of billions of dollars a year under the commercialized models Congress set up. In a two-part, exclusive report, Federal News Radio examines the debate underway over how well it has worked out.

    May 21, 2012
  • In a Defense Department briefing Wednesday, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond Odierno said service officials are closely examining the issue of women in infantry and armor ranks. Oiderno also said sequestration would thwart the Pentagon's existing plan for a streamlined force.

    May 16, 2012
  • Four airmen have won the Air Force's most prestigious award for leadership in the military education field — The Secretary of the Air Force Leadership Award. The Force gives the award to airmen that show noteworthy leadership in the world of military education. The award was presented to one student each from the Air War College, the Air Command and Staff College, the Squadron Officer School and the Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy.

    May 16, 2012
  • Rear Adm. Diane Webber is the new deputy commander of the Fleet Cyber Command and the Tenth Fleet at Fort Meade, Md., according to a recent Defense Department release. Webber is currently the director of communications and networks at the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. The Commander of Fleet Cyber Command is Vice Adm. Michael Rogers.

    May 16, 2012
  • Several cyber functions will move from the Air Force Network Integration Center to the Air Force Space Command's new Cyberspace Support Squadron.

    May 16, 2012
  • Facing a mysterious safety problem with the Air Force's most-prized stealth fighter, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on Tuesday ordered new flight restrictions on the F-22 and summoned help from Navy and NASA experts.

    May 16, 2012
  • Navy Capt. Ken Barrett said diversity is an issue "people get hung up on," but he's never looked at it as meeting quotas. "It's about making heads counts, not counting heads," he said. The profile is part of Federal News Radio's Federal Voices series.

    May 14, 2012
  • The Air Force is sending its future test-pilots into cyberspace in recognition of the dangers cyberattacks can pose to the service's mission.

    May 14, 2012
  • The Navy is joining with Maryland counties to study the effects of wind farms on radar.

    May 14, 2012