Defense News

  • Appropriators slash F-35 purchases in fiscal 2011, U.S. charges Florida pair with selling counterfeit computer chips from China to the U.S. Navy and military

    September 15, 2010
  • Learn more in today\'s DoD Report

    September 14, 2010
  • Defense appropriations heads to the Hill, Sammie finalist played instrumental role in Russia

    September 14, 2010
  • A new generation of defense industry leaders is using social media tools, leaner management structures and even shared sports activities to create a more collaborative and efficient workplace. Reuters reports, facing a downturn in defense spending and the Pentagon\'s aggressive cost-cutting drives, the industry is in a period of intense change. Companies are shifting gears to focus on new technologies like cybersecurity and unmanned planes as they try to become more efficient and in synch with rapidly evolving threats. Many companies have appointed new leaders who are changing the culture of an industry once dominated by strong personalities like Harry Stonecipher at Boeing Co and Tom Jones, the maverick who piloted Northrop Co\'s rise to become one of the hottest defense contractors of the 1980s.

    September 13, 2010
  • Learn more in today\'s DoD Report

    September 13, 2010
  • Written with the understanding that joint, inter-agency, intergovernmental and multinational partners will be key players in future warfare, the Army Operating Concept provides guidance on how the Army will function in the multi-player environment during 2016-2028. Lt. Gen. Michael Vane explains.

    September 13, 2010
  • Army Operating Concept gets an update,

    September 13, 2010
  • The U.S. military almost launched fighter jets and discussed a possible shoot-down when an errant Navy drone briefly veered into restricted airspace near the nation\'s capital last month, a senior military official said Thursday. The Associate Press reports the incident underscores safety concerns with unmanned aircraft as defense officials campaign to use them more often during natural disasters and for homeland security. Navy Adm. James Winnefeld Jr., head of Northern Command, said Thursday that the August mishap could hamper the Pentagon\'s push to have the Federal Aviation Administration ease procedures for drone use by the military in domestic skies.

    September 10, 2010
  • The space agency\'s experience in reducing the number of its e-mail systems could serve as a model for others who are going down a similar path. NASA\'s benefits include cost savings, better cybersecurity and scalability to deal with the expanding need for mobile access.

    September 10, 2010
  • Agencies are turning to innovation challenges as a way to solve problems and get people from outside the government involved in coming up with solutions. The White House launched Tuesday and 15 agencies already are using the platform to hold contests. DoD has four challenges on the platform looking at a variety of issues.

    September 09, 2010
  • The Air Force Services Agency wants to acquire Golf Enterprise Solution software. We learn how and why from Transformation Director Elinor Gonzales.

    September 03, 2010
  • Army moves on plan to build next combat vehicle, Air Force Tees Up Golf Course Software

    September 03, 2010
  • Dawn breaks at this, the Army\'s largest training post, with the reliable sound of fresh recruits marching to their morning exercise. But these days, something looks different.

    August 31, 2010
  • Learn more about efforts to provide senior Navy officers with more comprehensive training

    August 31, 2010