Special Bulletin Review: Securing our Citizens while Modernizing

  • The Federal Risk Authorization and Management Program will send a draft baseline standard for FISMA high systems around the government for comment in the next month. Matt Goodrich, the acting director of the FedRAMP program, said the high-impact baseline would apply only to non-classified technology systems as characterized under the Federal Information Security Management Act.

    November 28, 2014
  • Demand is finally pushing the cloud services cybersecurity program known as FedRAMP to develop standards for high impact systems. The Federal Risk Authorization and Management Program will send a draft baseline standard for FISMA high systems around the government for comment in the next month. Matt Goodrich, acting director of the FedRAMP program, tells Federal News Radio Executive Editor Jason Miller about the changes that are coming.

    November 26, 2014
  • Booz Allen Hamilton Senior Vice President Brad Medairy, will discuss how Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) can help your agency meet its cybersecurity challenges. November 25, 2014

    November 25, 2014
  • Scott Jones and Stephanie Adams with IQ Solutions, join host John Gilroy to discuss how agencies can use data to make their websites more responsive to customers. November 25, 2014

    November 25, 2014
  • The Veterans Affairs Department failed its 16th cybersecurity audit in a row, so it still can't properly protect the private health data of veterans. The VA Inspector General sees about 6,000 cyber weaknesses in the agency's IT networks, and says it falls short of complying with the Federal Information Security Management Act.

    November 25, 2014
  • Simon Szykman, chief technology for a wide ranging discussion of the IT challenges facing federal agencies. November 24, 2014

    November 24, 2014
  • Non-federal organizations and contractors may have sensitive federal information on their computers, but there are no consistent rules on how to keep that information secure. The treatment of Controlled Unclassified Information is the focus of a new set of recommendations. Ron Ross is a National Institute of Standards and Technology fellow. He is the lead author of the new guide, and joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to explain more.

    November 24, 2014
  • Administrator Marilyn Tavenner told House Oversight and Government Reform Committee members on Nov. 14 that CMS fixed 22 technical recommendations before open enrollment began. The letter came on the cusp of yet another contentious hearing on the role of former White House CTO Todd Park in overseeing and developing the initially troubled portal.

    November 20, 2014
  • At Nevada's Nellis Air Force Base earlier this month, U.S. Cyber Command wrapped up its biggest exercise of the year.

    November 19, 2014
  • Georgetown University professor Dr. Pablo Molina joins host John Gilroy to discuss distance learning and the strengths and weaknesses of learning technology. November 18, 2014

    November 18, 2014
  • A House oversight committee demanded answers Monday about a suspected cyber-attack that has shut down the State Department's unclassified email system.

    November 18, 2014
  • A Senate committee heard testimony Tuesday from retired Rear Adm. Earl Gay on his nomination to be the Office of Personnel's first deputy director in three years.

    November 18, 2014
  • The Veterans Affairs Department fails its 16th cybersecurity audit in a row. The State Department shuts down its unclassified email system, and the National Weather Service and the Postal Service report cyber attacks. It's all happening as agencies are deploying their continuous diagnostics and mitigation plans while they maintain their FISMA compliance environments. Mark Forman is vice president for IT services and cloud initiatives at TASC, and former administrator of the Office of e-Government and IT. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he explained what the latest chain of events may mean for the future of cybersecurity policies.

    November 18, 2014
  • Steph Warren, VA's CIO, said he moved money out of projects and into cybersecurity to ensure the agency gets rid of as many material weaknesses as they can. The decision to move money comes as Congress turns back up the heat on VA to correct long-standing and systemic cyber shortcomings.

    November 18, 2014