Special Bulletin Review: Securing our Citizens while Modernizing

  • The White House says it has taken steps to address suspicious activity detected on its unclassified computer network.

    October 28, 2014
  • Nick Urick, vice president of Federal Sales at FireEye, will discuss how your agency could benefit from the latest cybersecurity advances. October 28, 2014

    October 28, 2014
  • The new U.S. Digital Service is working with agencies across government to triage IT problems and get programs back on track. The infrastructure for the Service came out of the lessons learned from fixing the problems with HealthCare.gov. Mikey Dickerson is Administrator of the U.S. Digital Service. On In Depth with Francis Rose -- and in his first interview since he took over -- he explained the mission of the Service, and why industry shouldn't worry about the Service trying to cut in on its business.

    October 27, 2014
  • The new unclassified document doesn't give any indication of what had to be scrubbed in order to make the publication safe for public viewing, but in general, it's clear the department is trying to consolidate all of its thinking on cyber into one cohesive document. This article is part of this week's edition of Inside the DoD Reporter's Notebook.

    October 27, 2014
  • The Energy Department developed a new tool to ensure outdated software doesn't remain on its network to create cyber vulnerabilities. Rick Lauderdale, Energy's chief architect, said business and mission leaders receive a dashboard view of potential problems.

    October 24, 2014
  • The Marine Corps will begin a small scale pilot in the next several weeks to determine whether commercial-grade security containers on mobile devices can meet DoD's security demands. If it's successful, Marines envision a BYOD strategy that begins implementation as soon as next year.

    October 24, 2014
  • NASA Ames CIO Jerry Davis joins Federal News Radio for a free online chat to discuss his IT priorities for NASA Ames, including workforce development, big data analysis and his efforts to improve the center's cybersecurity.

    October 23, 2014
  • Jerry Davis, the NASA Ames CIO, said being in the heart of Silicon Valley poses different obstacles when it comes to recruiting and retaining IT employees. He said cloud and cyber are among his top priorities.

    October 23, 2014
  • The Homeland Security Department has reviewed about 18 new or improved cybersecurity tools or technologies that may be added to the continuous diagnostics and mitigation program (CDM). John Streufert, the director of Federal Network Resilience at National Protection and Programs Directorate in DHS, said CDM is not delayed and on track to deliver results.

    October 23, 2014
  • A new Federal News Radio survey of federal chief information officers and deputy CIOs found cyber above all else is the top priority. Charlie Armstrong, the CIO for Customs and Border Protection, said his focus is to protect the data first and foremost and his systems a very close second.

    October 21, 2014
  • The White House wants the government to lead a nationwide effort to reduce identity theft and fraud. More secure government credit cards and multi-factor authentication for federal websites dealing with sensitive citizen data are two ways to do that.

    October 17, 2014
  • The Office of Management and Budget is pushing back against the recent critical report on federal cloud computing efforts by 19 civilian agency inspectors general.

    October 17, 2014
  • Embedding cybersecurity into the Defense Department's design, manufacturing, and supply chain is a goal the Pentagon sees is possible. Mike Papay is Chief Information Security Officer and Vice President at Northrop Grumman, and Frank Cilluffo is director of the George Washington University Cybersecurity Initiative and the Homeland Security Policy Institute. On In Depth with Francis Rose, they offered steps the DoD can take to address the issue.

    October 16, 2014
  • SAIC's Mary Mayonado and Bill Kaczor join Federal News Radio's Custom Media Director Jason Fornicola for a free online chat to discuss the challenges in managing threats throughout the full cybersecurity life cycle - beyond just compliance requirements. Ask the industry experts live and learn about cyber's big picture, how to use data analytics to protect against insider threats, and what they're hearing from customers.

    October 15, 2014