Special Bulletin Review: Securing our Citizens while Modernizing

  • The White House's new national strategy for information sharing highlights the concept of collaboration in cybersecurity efforts. Michael Daniel, the White House cybersecurity coordinator, told the Federal Drive information security and information sharing are "mutually reinforcing."

    January 17, 2013
  • Mike Locatis, the DHS Assistant Secretary for the Office of Cybersecurity and Communications, is returning to Colorado after serving in the federal government for more than two years.

    January 17, 2013
  • Michael Daniel, White house cybersecurity coordinator, talks about the new national strategy for information sharing and safeguarding. Brian Friel of Bloomberg Government examines what new regulations mean to the bottom line of some contractors. Charles Crum of the Postal Service's IG office discusses how USPS is embracing the Internet. Michael Nugent of the Defense Language and National Security Education Office talks about a new language program of feds going overseas.

    January 17, 2013
  • Cindy Auten of the Telework Exchange talks about a new report on BYOD. Robert Khuzami explains why he is stepping down as the SEC's enforcement director. Peter Schroeder of The Hill newspapers discusses the looming debt-ceiling showdown.

    January 16, 2013
  • Kal Stein, president and CEO of EarthShare, talks about his company's new role as the manager of the Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capitol Area. Attorney John Mahoney weighs in on a recent ruling by the EEOC. Gen. Charles Wald of Deloitte talks about the ever-changing aerospace markets. Anne-Marie Fennell of GAO discusses Alaska Native Corporations. Ed Moscatelli discusses how the Army has eliminated 8,000 vehicles.

    January 15, 2013
  • Martin Libicki of Rand Corp talks about managing cyber attacks. Kevin Brancato of Bloomberg Government discusses the Canada's decision to pass on the F-35. John Templeton of BlackMoney.com talks about being an African American in IT. Belva Martin of GAO discusses the new network communications strategy.

    January 14, 2013
  • Muzaffar Chishti of the Migration Policy Institutes talks about the $18 billion the government is spending on immigration. Liz Gasster of the Business Roundtable weighs in on the need for comprehensive cybersecurity legislation. Ed Zurndorfer, register employee benefit consultant, discusses changes to the tax code.

    January 11, 2013
  • IT Lab Director Charles Romine said the organization collaborates with an ever-growing number of agencies on technology challenges. He said the Lab also is focusing on questions around cloud, cybersecurity, mobile computing and big data. January 10, 2013

    January 10, 2013
  • Paul Strasser of Dynamics Research Corporation talks about a new deal his company has with FDA. Marilee Fitzgerald, director of the Department of Defense Education Activity, discusses promoting STEM fields. Tim Scannell of Technology Guide reports from the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

    January 10, 2013
  • Dr. Mark Maybury, the Air Force's chief scientist, joins On DoD to describe the areas the Air Force plans for cybersecurity development.

    January 09, 2013
  • Theresa Kern, a member of Women Construction Owners and Executives, discusses a new provision in the 2013 Defense Authorization Bill that helps women-owned, small construction companies. Grant McLaughlin of Booz Allen Hamilton talks about a new social media guide for feds. Alex Bolton of The Hill newspaper previews the upcoming confirmation season. Matthew Zisman of Bloomberg Government talks about new contracts for NASA.

    January 09, 2013
  • Martin Libicki of Rand Corp talks about the 2013 Defense Authorization Bill. Dov Zakheim reviews what DoD Secretary-nominee Chuck Hagel can expect from Congress. Attorney Mark Schamel explains how the Defense Authorization Bill helps off-duty law enforcement agents. Erik Olson of the Pew Health Group discusses new food safety rules issued by the FDA. John Palguta of the Partnership for Public Service previews the SAMMIE nomination process. Katherine McFate discusses OMB Watch's name change.

    January 08, 2013
  • Jimmy Christianson of the Associated General Contractors of America discusses government construction projects currently underway. Billy House of the National Journal talks about an article he wrote on the new Congress. Roger Waldron, president of the Coalition for Government Procurement, talks about GSA's Multiple Awards Schedule. Tim Solms of Microsoft discusses a new deal his company signed with DoD. Lisa Wolfe of Federal News Radio sheds light on a new website for federal job seekers. Brian Friel of Bloomberg Government talks about the new bill providing federal Sandy relief spending.

    January 07, 2013
  • Certified financial planner talks about Thrift Savings Plan numbers for 2012. Todd Harrison of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments sheds light on DoD's recent shopping spree. Jim Treat of the Census Bureau discusses the Web-first approach to the American Community Survey. Attorney Sandy Hoe discusses a recent case in which a contractor sued the Air Force. Dr. Gerald Dillingham of the GAO talks about possible changes in leadership at the FAA.

    January 04, 2013