It is budget season on Capitol Hill and agency leaders are busy defending their 2025 spending plans in front of the appropriations committees.
While trying to manage sluggish staffing numbers, NLRB has simultaneously experienced a sharp 35% increase in its workload over the last six months.
The Senate managed to pass an important bill last week, authorizing the Federal Aviation Administration. That makes the House "it," so to speak.
Agencies have made progress ushering in more early-career employees in the federal workforce, but goals from the Biden administration aim to things up a notch.
“There's nothing magic about construction for the Marine Corps. The challenge is the program budget process,” said Rear Adm. Dean VanderLey.
Artificial intelligence, space technology projects and integrated sensing and cyber efforts make up the majority of the Pentagon's S&T budget request.
The watchdog group found that military personal consistently get less than six hours of sleep each night, which could compromise safety.
The Biden administration's 2025 budget request includes $1.6 billion for the Census Bureau and an increase of $218 million from what was just enacted for 2024.
After a hiring freeze, Commissioner Martin O’Malley is readying plans to rebuild the Social Security Administration workforce as quickly as possible.
In voting last week, Congress managed to fund the half of government it had not already.
President Biden has signed a $1.2 trillion package of spending bills that Congress just passed, ending the threat of a potential partial government shutdown.
The second of two large spending packages keeps agencies funded for the rest of 2024. The bill now goes to President Joe Biden to be signed into law.
The Office of Justice Programs is among the biggest grant-making operations in the federal government. It administers $5 billion in grants to several agencies.
Lawmakers agreed to increase the amount of money DoD can reallocate without prior permission from Congress, but rejected other calls for budget flexibility.
Pay at TSA was reportedly one of the crunch-time issues for lawmakers negotiating the contentious fiscal 2024 homeland security spending bill.