With every election even the safest members of the House and Senate pretend to run like their jobs are actually on the line, but this time around it may be true. Mike Causey says that could have an impact on your pay, benefits and job security.
There has been so much discussion surrounding federal pay and benefits both here and abroad.
This week, Mike Causey talks with Dan Adcock, legislative director of the National Active Retired Federal Employees, about where legislation is in the House that would allow you to move unused annual leave into your TSP after leaving federal service. Then, Randy Erwin of the National Federation of Federal Employees talks about why some in Congress are keen on freezing federal pay and benefits. Encore presentation
What\'s the difference between the F fund and the I fund? How do you get an update on that loan you took out through the TSP? Who can you talk to about a transfer that doesn\'t look quite right? The DorobekInsider talks with Penny Moran, director of the Office of Participant Services for the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, who answers all of those questions for us.
A recent study by the Office of Personnel Management shows that women and minorities participate less in the Thrift Savings Plan than their white, male counterparts. Tom Trabucco of the Federal Retirement Thrift Investments Board explains what they\'re doing to try and close the gap.
May was a devastating month for the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which suffered its worst losses in May since 1940. Tom Trabucco, Director of External Affairs for the Federal Retirement Thrift Investments Board, breaks down the numbers for each TSP fund for us.
OPM data shows many less than projected left federal service in 2009.
Wanna be a millionaire by the time you retire? This week on Your Turn, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey talks with investment guru Allan Roth about how you might be able to achieve that goal. Also, there\'s a lot happening on Capitol Hill, including discussion of some bills that could affect your pay & benefits. Randy Erwin of the National Federation of Federal Employees fills us in.
Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says he thinks the bill will pass -- eventually.
It\'s not as bad as it seems. May is only half over, but Federal News Radio takes a look at where the TSP funds are this month. Tom Trabucco is Director of External Affairs for the Federal Retirement Thrift Investments Board and breaks them down for us, and also tells us where an important bill regarding your retirement benefits stands in the House right now.
It seems the volatility of the stock market is influencing many TSP investors to keep at least some of their money in the all-bond G fund.
A new report from the Federal CIO Council outlines what federal agencies, and the government as a whole, must do if it wants to get more members of Generation Y into the federal IT workforce.
Director of External Affairs Tom Trabucco explains how it benefits your retirement investments.