
  • The National Cancer Institute is using cloud computing to help advance breast cancer research. The agency worked with the Susan Love Research Foundation to start the Health of Women Study. The study aims to collect information on women across the U.S. (anyone can sign up) and then analyze it to understand the cause of the [...]

    February 03, 2011
  • Virtual reality applications are being designed and implemented across various points in the military deployment cycle to prevent, identify and treat combat-related PTSD. We learn more from research pioneer Dr. Albert \"Skip\" Rizzo.

    February 03, 2011
  • HP introduces Government Cloud Consulting Services to help government agencies comply with OMB\'s \"cloud-first\" policy. We get details from HP\'s Jeff Bergeron

    February 03, 2011
  • From “Dramatic Changes Coming in Endpoint Security” by Jack Gold of J. Gold Associates: There is a significant change coming to endpoint security, with dramatic implications for how end users will be protected and what…

    February 02, 2011
  • Two draft documents released by the National Institute of Standards and Technology define and set guidelines for government cloud computing.

    February 02, 2011
  • The National Institute of Standards and Technology published two draft documents on cloud computing today. The first offers NIST’s definition of cloud computing and the second offers guidelines on security and privacy in cloud computing. Both documents are open for public comment through February 28, 2011. NIST also announced the launch of a new Cloud [...]

    February 02, 2011
  • Deloitte\'s Eric Openshaw explains how the tablet technology is becoming more than just a toy.

    February 02, 2011
  • Patricia Titus is the vice president and chief information security officer at Unysis, explains the differences between IT and cybersecurity.

    February 02, 2011
  • NIST\'s Sheila Frankel explains how agencies can be IPv6-compatible.

    February 02, 2011
  • The Energy Department has unveiled a new initiative that will develop cyber security risk management process guidelines for the electric sector.

    February 02, 2011
  • February 8th, 2011 at Noon Today\'s cybersecurity threat continues to evolve into a broad and sophisticated range of adversaries with the skills, resources, patience and motivation to accomplish their goal. Whether it is the theft of intellectual property, state secrets, or the disruption/destruction of critical systems and infrastructure that power our economy and ensure our National security, our Nation is at risk. America\'s cybersecurity against the Advanced Persistent Threat depends on Information Technology as never before. However, it is more than a technology issue. Cybersecurity requires an integrated approach across the full spectrum of people, process and technology to leverage and provide a way of thinking and action to address the issues. The threat to our National economic prosperity and cybersecurity has never been greater and is advancing at a rapid pace in its persistence every day. The goal of this discussion is to explore how the threat has evolved, what the implications are for business leaders, government officials, and our society, and an approach to address this growing challenge.

    February 02, 2011
  • Researchers with the National Science Foundation say they\'ve discovered what makes an organutan an orangutan. They\'re not being specious... But rather claim that a new map of the genetic code of endangered orangutans will yield important new conservation tools and insights into evolution. For the first time, scientists have mapped the genome--the genetic code--of orangutans. There are two species of orangutans, defined primarily by their island of origin--either Sumatra, where there about 75-hundred of the creatures, and they\'re considered critically-endangered -- or Borneo where there are about about 50,000. The map of the orangutan genome may support conservation efforts by helping zoos create breeding programs designed to maintain the genetic diversity of captive populations, which can improve a species\' resiliency.

    February 02, 2011
  • Social media websites like Facebook and Twitter - and others such as the Department of Homeland Security website - will be used by the Department going forward as part of a new National Terrorism Advisory System. It replaces the old color-coded Terror Alert System. Officials say it will more effectively communicate information about terrorist threats by providing timely, detailed information to the public, government agencies, first responders, airports and other transportation hubs, and the private sector. DHS says - in some cases, alerts will be sent directly to law enforcement or areas of the private sector. Other times, alerts will be issued more broadly to the American people through both official and media channels-including a designated DHS webpage. Alerts will include a clear statement that there is either an \"imminent\" or \"elevated\" threat.

    February 02, 2011
  • A type of fungus is being used to produce a hydrocarbon-based fuel by engine experts and biofuels researchers at Sandia National Labs - through funding by the Department of Energy. The biofuels being investigated are produced by a class of fungi called endophytes that live between the walls of plant cells. The cellular material in plant walls can be converted into hydrocarbon compounds that work well as fuels for internal combustion engines. The fungi can turn crystalline cellulosic material directly into fuel-type hydrocarbons without any mechanical breakdown - eliminating the need for the cost-intensive industrial processes required to break down biomass. Through genetic manipulation, the Sandia team hopes to improve yield of the biofuel by tailoring the molecular structure of the hydrocarbons that are produced.

    February 02, 2011



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