
  • Satellites - operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - were critical last year in the rescue of hundreds of people from life-threatening situations throughout the U.S. and its surrounding waters. The satellites picked up distress signals from emergency beacons carried by downed pilots, shipwrecked boaters and stranded hikers - relaying information about their location to first responders on the ground. Officials say - of the 295 people saved - 180 people were rescued from water, 43 from aviation incidents, and 72 who were lost on land. NOAA\'s polar-orbiting and geostationary satellites, along with Russia\'s COSPAS spacecraft, are part of the international Search and Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking system. It uses a network of satellites to quickly detect and locate distress signals broadcast by emergency beacons. Alaska had the most people rescued last year with 77, followed by Florida with 37.

    February 02, 2011
  • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has waived its earlier limitation on selling gasoline that contains more than 10 percent ethanol for model year 2001 through 2006 passenger vehicles, including cars, SUVs, and light pickup trucks. The waiver applies to fuel that contains up to 15 percent ethanol - known as E15. EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson says recently completed testing by the Department of Energy shows E15 does not harm emissions control equipment in the vehicles. The National Farmers Union says the decision means E15 will soon be available for approximately 60 percent of all vehicles in the U.S. The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 mandated an increase in the overall amount of renewable fuels - like ethanol - into the marketplace. Several trade groups claim that more research is need to determine how increased ethanol levels could affect vehicles.

    February 02, 2011
  • When compared to private sector plans, VA\'s findings showed higher quality marks for VA health care. We learn about the data used to come to that conclusion from the VA\'s Dr. Robert Petzel.

    February 02, 2011
  • Funding priorities include malware, insider threats, and ways to support the Comprehensive National Cyber Initiative.

    February 02, 2011
  • The new government purchasing site rivals Amazon in its usability, says GSA FAS' Liz DelNegro.

    February 01, 2011
  • Chad Grant, policy analyst at the NASCIO, is the author of a report detailing the struggles of states to hire IT professionals.

    February 01, 2011
  • The New York Times reports that this latest effort to censor the Internet comes after the Egyptian protests.

    February 01, 2011
  • Center for Strategic and National Studies\'s report on cybersecurity said the national dialogue has not yet translated into action.

    February 01, 2011
  • By Jason Miller Executive Editor Federal News Radio For the second time in six months, the National Institute of Standards and Technology snagged another expert from industry. NIST announced Monday that Jeremy Grant will manage…

    February 01, 2011
  • Data from the Earth Networks Greenhouse Gas Observation Network will be used for scientific research and applications. CEO Bob Marshall tells us about a new partnership with NOAA.

    February 01, 2011
  • As the president calls on agencies to streamline its regulatory process, the Social Security Administration has set up an e-mail account to take ideas from the public.

    February 01, 2011
  • Today is the first full day on the job for U.S. Park Police Chief Teresa Chambers, after an almost eight-year fight to get her job back. She tells us what\'s on her \"to do list.\"

    February 01, 2011
  • \"Detonating\" file copies in a sandbox to examine whether any document contains malicious content stops malware before it can enter your network.

    February 01, 2011
  • Navy isseus contracts to examine the science, architecture, engineering, functionality, interface and interoperability of cyberspace operations systems, services and capabilities at the tactical, operational and strategic levels.

    February 01, 2011



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