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Federal agencies continue to make strides protecting our nation’s networks against ever-evolving, increasingly cunning cyber attackers and nation states.
To help facilitate relationships, companies like BMNT make sure these partnerships actually produce what they intend to.
The Army's next 500-day study project will include focuses on, among other things, "breaking" AI and figuring out how to counter adversaries' use of AI.
Draft digital identity guidelines add more detail around emerging tech like mobile driver's licenses, but also keeps the door open to in-person verification.
What does your zero trust journey look like?
Guy Cavallo, OPM’s chief information officer, said the goal of this initial project is to reduce paper and the time to process retirement applications.
Alexandria Phounsavath, director of DHS S&T’s Data Analytics Technology Center, is exploring new approaches to solving some of the biggest challenges in data.
The U.S. Copyright Office has just produced the first report on AI, which addresses deepfakes.
The IRS' inspector general says protecting taxpayer data continues to be a major challenge for the agency, as it struggle with several key cybersecurity areas.
Government Accountability Office data released earlier this year estimated that federal agencies lost as much as $521 billion due to programmatic fraud between fiscal 2018 and 2022. While it is difficult to lock in on…
In today's Federal Newscast, GSA awards Clark Construction a $524 million contract to build new CISA headquarters.
The folks that are going to have to abide by CMMC rules have some thoughts on what they would mean going forward.
How are agencies profiling a successful 5G strategy and what is the vision for the future?
It doesn't get more cutting edge than military space technology, so that means security practices need to be top notch and updated just as frequently.
Weekly interviews with federal agency chief information officers about the latest directives, challenges and successes. Follow Jason on Twitter. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Podcast One.