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Lindy Kyzer, senior editor for, helps you get to the bottom of challenges you and others may have with regards to security clearances.
Despite all expectations, total average compensation for employees with security clearances has actually slightly declined, dropping 1.27 percent, since 2014.
What is the state of the clearance job market in 2017? Find out this week on Fed Access when host Derrick Dortch speaks with Evan Lesser, president of April 21, 2017
Lindy Kyzer, senior editor for, helps you get to the bottom of challenges you and others may have with regards to security clearances.
Evan Lesser, president of, joins host Derrick Dortch on this week's Fed Access to discuss job opportunities in 2017 for workers with security clearances. January 6, 2016
Lindy Kyzer, senior editor for, helps you get to the bottom of challenges you and others may have with regards to security clearances.
A majority of federal recruiters, contractors and agencies say they've using signing bonuses as an incentive to attract new, qualified candidates with security clearances to beat out a competitive market, according to a new survey from
What is the state of the clearance job market in 2016? Find out when Evan Lesser, founder and director of, joins host Derrick Dortch on Fed Access. January 29, 2016
Evan Lesser, founder and director of, joins host Derrick Dortch to discuss how federal workers with security clearances have been impacted by the OPM cyber breach. He will also talk about the state of the clearance job market. July 24, 2015
Evan Lesser, founder and director for, will discuss the challenges that agencies are facing in filling jobs that require a security clearance. June 5, 2015
Evan Lesser, founder and director for, will discuss the state of hiring in the clear community in 2015. January 30, 2015
Evan Lesser, founder and director for, will discuss the state of hiring in the clear community in 2015. January 16, 2015
Evan Lesser, founder and director of will discuss how cleared professionals should be dealing with social media. September 5, 2014
Evan Lesser, founder and director for, will discuss the state of hiring in the clear community. July 18, 2014