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Linda Springer, former controller at the Office of Management and Budget, tells In Depth's Francis Rose why it's important for members across the C-Suite to work together.
As the new chairman of the Senate Governmental Affairs subcommittee that oversees the federal workforce and government efficiency, Sen. Jon Tester says he will work to improve government services by pushing for better inter-agency collaboration and smarter investments that produce results.
Steve Kousen, vice president of Cloud Email and Collaboration Services at Unisys will discuss what agencies and contractors can expect as they move some of their services to the cloud. April 2, 2013
Scott Quehl, the CFO, and Simon Szykman, the CIO, work closely together on ensuring projects remain on track and are efficient as possible. Their relationship is making it easier for Commerce to deal with budget and oversight pressures.
Several departments are seeing the benefits from governmentwide collaboration. The interagency National Intellectual Property Coordination Center used its relationships to get the word out more quickly about counterfeit air bags that potentially could explode on impact. HR University absorbed millions of dollars in performance management training courses from an agency who on the CHCO Council.
Larry Besterman, CEO of TWD and Associates, Inc., joins host John Gilroy to discuss how his company can help your agency with its communication challenges. November 27, 2012
Frank Baitman, the HHS chief information officer, said the agency will move its HR systems to a shared services provider in the coming year. He said HHS also will issue a solicitation for cloud services in 2013. November 15, 2012
Having an intuitive technology platform allows the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to have a constructive relationship with other agencies in the Department of Health and Human Services, Director Carolyn Clancy tells Federal News Radio's Agency of the Month show.
The sub-basement of the Office of Personnel Management's headquarters resembles more a tech start-up than a federal office building. The innovation lab, as OPM calls it, provides a brightly-lit, open room for employees to meet and tackle the "stickiest" of the agency's problems.
Siemens Enterprise Communications Director of Federal Sales Russell Brodsky will talk about telework and collaboration is changing at your agency. May 28, 2012
National Defense University's Dr. Paulette Robinson will talk about the upcoming "Inspire the Future" conference in Washington D.C. May 11, 2012
Agency CIOs need to find creative ways to lower the cost of their technology services. DHS is testing the concept of "workplace-as-a-service." OMB soon will issue a new shared services architecture to help agencies understand how best to move to enterprisewide systems.
Agency CIO Casey Coleman said the move to Google\'s gmail went smoothly and is 99 percent complete. GSA recently hired another cloud service provider to host collaboration tools. Coleman said the agency now is looking at legacy business systems. September 22, 2011
Host John Gilroy is joined by Michael Beckley, chief technology officer, at Appian. They will talk about how business process management has changed and what you can do to stay ahead of those changes. July 19, 2011(Encore presentation August 30, 2011),