With the exception of the fixed income index F fund, all TSP funds posted positive returns in June.
Everyone is a customer at some point. And everyone serves customers at some point.
All TSP funds, with the exceptions of the government securities investment G fund, the common stock index C fund and small cap stock index S fund posted negative returns for the month of May.
Treasury has a way to ensure continuity of Social Security benefits payments without the need to raise the debt ceiling
In today's Federal Newscast: Investors worry about TSP's future, if the government defaults on it debt obligations. Marines are spending more time in basic training. And the Thrift Savings Plan makes room for the new Office of Participant Experience.
For the second month in a row, every TSP fund except the small cap stock index S fund posted positive returns.
Investments can change seemingly as fast as the weather, a fact to which anyone with a Thrift Savings Plan account can testify.
No, there's no insurance for retirement savings. But TSP and 401Ks are looking safer than banks
A simple list of names doesn't do justice to Presidential Rank Awardees, plus GAO launches look-see into TSP snafus
In today's Federal Newscast: GAO promises more details about TSP's new website. Lawmakers look to ban agency use of Biometric Technology. And the Army's new advertising slogan is an old one.
Federal employees like the idea of a solid pay boost, but some are skeptical of its chances, or what it will deliver it it does get passed.
Congress may yet upend an enduring wrinkle in Social Security benefits, a disparity long resented by certain federal employees and public servants at the state and local levels.
By nearly all measures, 2022 was a terrible year for the average investor. Inflation and a host of badly-received public policies sent both stock and bond markets in bear territory. All of the Thrift Savings Plan funds, with the exception of the basically flat G-Fund, declined. For a review and some things to think about for the year ahead, Federal News Network's Tom Temin spoke with certified financial advisor Art Stein. Plus, TSP and debt ceiling updates from Federal News Network reporter Drew Friedman.
My inbound mail is bringing a lot of reactions to TSP web site issues and the telework question.
By nearly all measures, 2022 was a terrible year for the average investor. Inflation and a host of badly received public policies sent both stock and bond markets in bear territory.