President Barack Obama's Fiscal Year 2017 budget proposal gives the Defense Department $524 billion, plus another $59 billion for overseas contingency operation...
The Pentagon didn’t get everything it wanted for 2017. But it got a lot. In the base, it got $524 billion, plus another $59 billion for overseas contingency operations. It’s a mix of cost-cutting reforms and investments in what the brass see as five strategic challenges. Bryan Clark, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, joined Pentagon Solutions with an analysis of the budget.
The National Security Cutter is at the heart of a long-running effort to modernize the Coast Guard. Three of the ships have already been built and deployed. The Coast Guard, with test and evaluation help from the Navy, said the ships are effective and suitable for their mission. The Government Accountability Office said, not so fast. Michelle Mackin, director of acquisition and sourcing management issues at the GAO, shared insight on Pentagon Solutions.