A lot can be at stake for organizations that react too slowly—or too quickly—when addressing a crisis. Rick Alcantara, a crisis communication, explains why the speed at which companies and agencies respond to a crisis can help or hamper efforts to resolve the situation.
Action involves ensuring that those who are responsible are held accountable, while also implementing preventative measures to avoid similar incidents from reoccurring in the future. – RickStudying crisis response strategies in various industries and professions can help companies and organizations identify effective practices. – Eric
it’s important to consider potential risks, plan for an appropriate response, and ensure that you are adequately prepared – Rick
Featured Guest
Rick Alcantara
President Rick Alcantara Consulting
00:00 Introduction
03:03 The Significance of Prompt Crisis Response
05:10 Maximizing the Benefits of Prompt Crisis Response
06:29 Crisis Response Team Planning and Execution Discussed
07:54 Comparing Effective & Ineffective Crisis Management Responses
08:49 Steps to Ensure Timely Response to Emergencies
11:33 Government vs. Private Sector Crisis Response Analysis
14:31 Preparing for Social Media Crises in the Digital Age
15:26 Crisis Circumstances and Response Time
18:45 Examining the NFL’s Emergency Response Plan
20:46 NFL’s Delay in responding to crisis
23:55 Takeaways from Eric
Produced by Heartcast Media