Army vet’s combat survival story and how Building Homes for Heroes gives way more than just a free house

Today we have 2 incredible stories! They highlight how Building Homes for Heroes helps combat veterans overcome traumatic injuries, with the gift of a free home. We start with the story of Army Special Forces, Master Sergeant (Ret.) George Vera. He shares the gripping story of his “Alive Day” after being shot during a vicious firefight in Afghanistan that left him paralyzed. Next, BHH founder Andy Pujol describes how the idea of helping his fellow Americans was born while volunteering at ground zero in NYC, immediately after the 9/11 attack. Pujol describes the dystopian landscape he saw in NYC that day, the start of Building Homes for Heroes, and the first veteran that received a free home. He also shares how they have delivered 340+ free homes since then, and the countless other ways they help our veterans.

You want to help a veteran charity that truly changes lives? Check out Building Homes for Heroes:


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