Fire in The Hole! Marine and Vietnam vet, Founder of GoDaddy, Bob Parsons shares war stories and how he became a billionaire

Today we’re talking with the founder of Go Daddy dot com, PXG Golf clubs and Marine Corps combat veteran Bob Parsons about his new book, “Fire in The Hole! The Untold Story of my Traumatic Life and Explosive Success”.

While he is best known for being an icon of the Internet age, in the late 1960’s he was a tough kid from Baltimore, who fought for his life in Vietnam. Parsons shares vivid (and at times hilarious) stories from his days on “Hill 190” in Vietnam.

Later, Parsons tracks his career through the early 1980’s when he was an accountant and self-taught computer programmer, who eventually earned a small fortune by selling a computer software program he wrote from his small home-based business.

He also describes the early days of his Internet domain name company, and the events that would change his life, and the Internet, forever. Parsons offers details about the tumultuous journey building GoDaddy dot com, the dot Com bust of the early 2000’s and the path that would eventually make him a billionaire.

Through it all, Parsons maintains “everything I’ve ever accomplished, I owe to the Marine Corps.”

Check out his exciting new memoir, “Fire in Hole: The Untold Story of my Traumatic Life and Explosive Success”

Launches May 7, 2024

To reach CBS Eye on Veterans, Host and Navy vet, Phil Briggs

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