Maddie Smith is jacked! How Army spouse kicked booze, depression

Maddie Smith is a Spec Ops spouse, and her story is one that will inspire even the most hardened vets.  She battled out of control drinking, postpartum depression, and crippling anxiety.  We hear how her struggle with the bottle began, and how it almost drove her family apart.

Maddie shares how she struggled to kick the habit, and how traditional recovery methods created other nightmare situations.  After realizing Alcoholics Anonymous was not the right fit, Maddie was desperate.  Then she discovered a community that changed her life.

Now 5 years sober, her elite level of fitness has her in the running to be “Ms. Health and Fitness 2023” and possibly on the cover of Muscle and Fitness magazine.  She shares the evolution of her work outs, and life advice for anyone struggling with addiction, depression, and a fear of failure.

Check out Maddie’s journey and incredible physique here:

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