Veterans Fight Club! How Jiu Jitsu and Air Force Spec Ops vet are changing lives

On Veterans Day, Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines will grapple, choke and arm bar each other to determine which branch has the ultimate fighter. Although it sounds brutal, off the mat it’s a brotherhood and the story of how Air Force veteran Pow Srikachorn founded a martial arts training facility that is helping his community and vets thrive through their love of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

Pow’s journey into martial arts began in Afghanistan, where he worked on some of the most important missions of the Iraq War. (He shared some epic stories of hostage rescues and a behind the scenes look at the mission that took down Osama Bin Laden).

He shared how he started Jiu Jitsu training on base and many returned home “addicted” to the thrill this combat martial art provides. Eventually Pow and other veteran partners founded “The Compound” a martial arts training facility to give back to his community in Silver Spring, Maryland.

We also hear about the unique Veterans Day match called “The Battle of Branches” which will highlights incredible fighters from every branch of the military.

In Pow’s words, “…whether it’s the physical or mental aspect of it or just the tribe you develop, training with each other and trying to kill each other … it’s such a beautiful thing to see.”

For more on Air Force vet, Pow Srikachorn Check out The Compound here:

To reach CBS Eye on Veterans Host, Phil Briggs

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