GPO and WEP: The other pandemics!

Proposals to eliminate WEP and GPO have been around almost since enactment in the 1980s. But repeal has always been the legislative equivalent of mission impossible — probably still is. But what about “reform” rather than repeal? Has the turmoil created by the COVID-19 pandemic changed the political outlook? In the House, 245 members have signed onto a bill that would repeal the Evil Twins.

Not likely to happen, but under House rules if that repeal proposal gets 290 cosponsors — 45 more — it has to come up for a vote. And that opens up the possibility of a modification, though not repeal of the two. Long shot, yes, but possible.

In the meantime, back to retirement plans for — someday.

My guests today on our Your Turn radio show includes benefits expert Tammy Flanagan. She talked about what you should be thinking regardless of your age or time in government so that when you want to/have to leave, you will have enough money to live on. Lots of boxes to check. She’ll explain what they are and why you should have a backup plan.

Later during the show we’re joined by Jessica Klement of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees association. NARFE has been one of the leading advocates of repeal/reform of GPO and WEP. She’ll explain what they do and give an update on what Congress might do.