Many federal workers and retirees don’t bother with estate planning. Mostly because they don’t think of themselves, long-time civil servants, as the estate type. Get a will off the internet, get it notarized and all is well, right?
Not necessarily. Wills are great, but if you are or were a career civil servant, if you own a house, if you have money in your TSP account, bank or investments — chances are you have an estate. If you check all those boxes and are still married to your first spouse, you almost certainly do. So what next?
Tom O’Rourke, an estate/tax attorney in the Washington D.C. area, says many people have estates but don’t realize it. He’ll be my guest today on our Your Turn show at 10 a.m. EST, streaming here or on 1500 AM in the D.C. area. If you have questions for Tom, email them to before the show.