
  • ‘Transparency’ and ‘collaboration’ are the watchwords for this administration. But managers have to be careful to not use collaboration just for collaboration’s sake. We learned about this when we talked with Morton Hanson, the author…

    May 12, 2009
  • President Obama said the public should be able to trust the science informing public policy decisions. He assigned his science advisor to come up with a plan to achieve scientific integrity. He’s also reaching out…

    May 12, 2009
  • A change is being made in Afghanistan. Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced yesterday that Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, a senior administrator with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, will take the place of Gen. David McKiernan…

    May 12, 2009
  • White House outlines replacement for PART program to focus on \'meaningful measures and quantitative targets.\'

    May 11, 2009
  • Two more high-level jobs at the Labor Department have nominees. The President has selected Seth Harris for Deputy Secretary of Labor and M. Patricia Smith for Solicitor of the Department of Labor. The two nominees…

    May 11, 2009
  • Defense Secretary Robert Gates got a first-hand look at operations in Afghanistan last week. He met with U.S. forces there, and with local leaders who are working with American forces. He took a break from…

    May 11, 2009
  • Hurricane season is a couple of weeks away and Louisiana Senator David Vitter has put the FEMA chief’s nomination on hold. By all accounts, Craig Fugate is well-qualified to hold the position. In our weekly…

    May 11, 2009
  • I get a lot — and fairly regular… and sometimes bordering on angry — comments the lack of commentability on FederalNewsRadio.com, and, specifically, on the DorobekInsider. In the months since I moved the DorobekInsider over…

    May 08, 2009
  • President Obama has asked Congress to trim 121 federal programs, saving $17-billion dollars in the coming budget year. But critics contend that’s just a drop-in-the bucket, since the total budget exceeds $3-trillion dollars. Brian Riedl…

    May 08, 2009
  • Appearing before the Senate Appropriations Commerce, Science and Justice subcommittee hearing on the FY2010 budget proposal for the Justice Department, Attorney General Eric Holder faced repeated questions from lawmakers about his plans for closing Guantanamo.…

    May 08, 2009
  • I mentioned on Federal News Radio 1500 AM today the sad news that AFCEA International vice president Becky Nolan’s husband, Paul, passed away today unexpectedly. Here is the note from Kent R. Schneider, AFCEA International’s…

    May 07, 2009
  • We bring you lessons learned from former Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff. He talked with Randy Larsen and Dave McIntyre, hosts of Homeland Security: Inside & Out about his priorities during…

    May 07, 2009
  • FederalNewsRadio has been telling you about the FY 2010 federal budget, released today. We turn to Washington Post Economic Policy Reporter Lori Montgomery for analysis.

    May 07, 2009
  • After a challenging few weeks for her agency, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee for an oversight hearing. She answered questions about response to swine flu, security on the US-Mexico…

    May 07, 2009