
  • The Republican Study Committee introduced the Spending Reduction Act that would eliminate USAID and three other small agencies. It also would take spending back to 2006 levels in fiscal 2012. The legislation also would cut or reduce spending in 100 programs such as agency travel budgets and require the collection of unpaid taxes from federal employees.

    January 21, 2011
  • CDW-G\'s Andy Lausch discusses the findings of a report on green government initiative metrics for IT.

    January 20, 2011
  • With all this talk about furloughs and layoffs Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has a timely reminder for politicians: while their target may be waste, red tape and duplication in Washington, people hurt most by government cutbacks live, work and VOTE way outside the beltway.

    January 20, 2011
  • Bryan Lowry President, AFGE Council of Prison Locals Former Rep. Bob Edgar (D-Pa.) President & CEO, Common Cause

    January 19, 2011
  • FEW compiled an interactive map that breaks down the federal population by state.

    January 19, 2011
  • Agencies spend significant time and resources recruiting and training top talent but a new study warns that many are ignoring the other crucial side of the equation - keeping those employees. Booz Allen\'s Ron Sanders explains.

    January 19, 2011
  • But the question of whether Interior will comply is still open. We get the latest details from sister-station WTOP\'s Neal Augenstein.

    January 19, 2011
  • As DISA heads north for the Maryland border, we get an update from Director for Manpower, Personnel and Security, Jack Penkoske.

    January 19, 2011
  • A new report warns that agencies need to focus on employee retention as Congress threatens pay and hiring freezes. Agency leaders and line managers must work together to maintain their workforces.

    January 18, 2011
  • Mike discusses the federal telework policy and if it\'s been used in the bad weather.

    January 18, 2011
  • Government Executive’s Tom Shoop asks in his blog if we have become weather wimps. Did last winter’s Snowmagedden turn us into weaklings? Or, maybe you’re just as likely to brave the snow, wind, sleet, ice…

    January 18, 2011
  • Snow, ice, sleet, freezing rain combine to delay opening federal agencies in the Washington, DC area. The Office of Personnel Management has announced a two hour delayed arrival this morning for employees, who also have the option to take unscheduled leave or telework.

    January 18, 2011
  • CECOM Life Cycle Management Command (LCMC) is part of Army Materiel Command (AMC). Lately, it\'s been on the move-- and supported more than ever by video teleconferencing. Since 2008, CECOM been making a massive migration of its headquarters from Ft Monmouth, NJ to Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG). VTC is critical for CECOM to stay connected with its 8,500-strong team -- including both the 50% of that team based outside HQ or forward deployed, supporting seven regional Army field support brigades as well as warfighting units in the field. \"For the last 2-3 years, video teleconferencing has enabled us to operate effectively in a \'split-based operation\' during the BRAC transition,\" said Ed Thomas, Deputy to the Commanding General, CECOM. \"And it gives us this amazing connection from APG right to the front lines of the battlefield.\" New location means new equipment. By the end of 2011, CECOM will have VTC conferencing hardwired into 13 conference rooms at APG. \"The gear being installed by CACI will be IP based with ISDN as a backup capability. In addition, we will USE Defense Connect On-Line and Microsoft Communication Software for desktop VTC capability,\" said Patricia O\'Connor, CIO for CECOM LCMC. \"VTC supports a more effective exchange of information that means faster turnaround for mission support.\" CECOM participates in three major weekly VTC meetings. First, there\'s a CECOM worldwide operations update, to review the work we\'re doing in support of the warfighter, and track the supply and maintenance issues. Second, AMC holds its weekly VTC across 30-40 nodes including seven regional support commands, along with subordinate commands like CECOM and its counterparts in aviation, missiles and tanks. The third is the weekly depot maintenance production reviews -- a big part of making sure equipment get overhauled and back to the troops. \"After there\'s an improvised explosive device (IED) attack, it\'s important for us to see what happened to the vehicle that was attacked and how the IED was detonated. Our engineers and scientists can get a better understanding of the operational needs and valuable information to engineer better solutions,\" said Thomas. \"We also use VTC within CECOM for General Strong\'s staff calls, to connect our people at Tobyhanna, PA, Ft Monmouth, Ft Hood, Ft Huachuca, and Ft Belvoir. There\'s clear cost savings associated with it; often we\'re able to effectively conduct a meeting or conference without having to travel.\"

    January 17, 2011
  • Welcome to telework, Mister First Nighter! Six quick tips on how to make that first telework snowday a success.

    January 17, 2011