• The Senior Executives Association and the Partnership for Public Service testified before a subcommittee with improvement to SES and ways Congress can help.

    March 30, 2011
  • Federal Times editor Steve Watkins and senior writer Steve Losey, financial planner Arthur Stein, and president of the Senior Executives Association Carol Bonosaro join us to answer your questions.

    March 30, 2011
  • OPM told a Senate subcommittee that recruitment, training and onboarding are among their top priorities to improve the Senior Executive Service. More than half of all SESers are eligible to retire by 2013. OPM\'s Nancy Kichak said SES pay compression is the biggest challenge in need of Congressional help.

    March 30, 2011
  • If you are a member of the SES, the bad news is that Uncle Sam wants you to give up all of the performance-pay raise you got last year. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says the good news is that you won\'t have to pay back what you\'ve already been given and probably spent.

    March 25, 2011
  • All federal workers have a political appointee as their big boss. And what they say goes, until they go. And Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says the clock is ticking for thousands of noncareer appointees who are on, or about to go on, life support.

    March 14, 2011
  • The Defense Department will cut 209 senior executives, according to a DoD memo sent to The Federal Times. The memo said 126 positions will be eliminated and 83 jobs will be downgraded to GS-15 positions,…

    February 21, 2011
  • The memo issued by the Offices of Personnel Management and Management and Budget lay out proposals for developing the Senior Executive Service.

    February 21, 2011
  • Carol Bonasaro, the president of the Senior Executive Association, says the public unpopularity of federal employees created a trying year for federal managers.

    December 06, 2010
  • Learn more about what senior executives thought about OMB\'s memo.

    September 15, 2010
  • President Barack Obama has signed an executive order that extends limits on lobbyists serving in the federal government.

    June 21, 2010
  • \"Performance management isn\'t just a good government idea, it quite frankly is a matter of surviving and hopefully thriving,\" says Michelle Snyder, deputy chief operating officer at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

    June 18, 2010
  • At the Executive Update 2010 conference, a panel of seasoned senior executives and new senior executives provide advice on how to be effective and successful in SES positions, from the SES on-boarding process through the first 18 months in the SES role. Panelist Daniel Weinberg, an assistant director at Census, gives us a preview.

    June 16, 2010
  • SEA\'s Executive Update 2010 Conference happens once a year to make sure that members of the Senior Executive Service, and all federal managers, are up to speed when it comes to potential changes and the President\'s expectations. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey gets details from SEA president Carol Bonosaro.

    June 15, 2010
  • Carol Bonosaro, president of the Senior Executive Service, brings Federal News Radio analysis of what the changes might mean for federal employees.

    May 11, 2010