Foodie and the Beast – April 15, 2018

Hosted by David and Nycci Nellis. Today:

• Charity off the Hook raises important funding for lots of great local charities. It is sponsored by Profish Charities. We have John Rorapaugh, Profish director of sustainability and cofounder of Charity off the Hook, and Becky Lee, family law attorney and founder of Becky’s Fund to foster awareness of domestic violence;
• Dining with the Chefs is a biannual fundraiser that supports the Campus Kitchen, a project of the DC Central Kitchen. Wildwood Kitchen chef Brandon Shapiro and Camous Kitchen head Rivka Alvial are in to tell us about it;
• Inquiring minds want to know : who are the Halal Guys and what’s their culinary mission? Andrew Eck is here to share the story of how one food cart in New York City has become a national franchise chain;

• Greg Nivens, the impresario’s impresario who heads the Trigger Agency in Annapolis, is the guy behind all those amazing beer, wine and food events you find in summer months around this area. He talks about the upcoming National Wine and Food Festival at the National Harbor.