Foodie and the Beast – July 24, 2016

Hosted by David and Nycci Nellis.

Guests this week include:

* Mike Koch, the Fresh Farm Markets Executive Director
* Chef/restaurateur Michael Schlow: you’ve seen him on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Bravo’s Top Chef Masters, the Food Network, etc., and probably know his many restaurants. He’s in with tastes of and talk about his two newest in DC Casolare and Conosci.
* Daisy Freund is director of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals’ (ASPCA) Farm Animal Welfare Campaign. Daisy’s on to discuss how consumers can better understand labels on animal products and the impact some labels have on farm animal welfare.
* Jessica Raven is executive director of Collective Action for Safe Spaces and a partner with Defend Yourself on the Safe Bars program. Safe Bars teaches bar the skills to recognize subtle signs that someone may feel uncomfortable or unsafe, like reading body language, and then we practice strategies for safely and effectively intervening to prevent aggressive behavior from escalating to something more severe.
* Allison Slute represents Tejo Wines. Located in the very heart of Portugal along the banks of the famed Tejo River and just a short drive from Lisbon, the Tejo region is experiencing a wine renaissance from vine to bottle, and Foodie and the Beast is going to get a good taste of it !