Mergers and acquisitions, the process of businesses being sold and bought is basically the life blood of any entrepreneurial region, and our region is a hotbed for emerging acquisitions activity in the United States.
February 16, 2018
A conference on the future of technology here in the D.C. region deals with advanced technology and policy-making.
February 14, 2018
“I get to travel the world, speaking at the largest events in the world, sharing multiple messages, but ultimately, it’s an element of storytelling, and hopefully moving the audience to make a decision.”
February 12, 2018
There’s $25 million of new venture capital available in this region for startup entrepreneurs, according to Andy Jones, managing director of the Maryland Venture Fund. Where is that money being invested, and who will the…
February 9, 2018
Women in STEM, why women are reluctant to enter the sciences and why we still have a long way to go on gender equality in both the classroom and the workforce.
February 7, 2018
Millennials, as a group, are the largest demographic cohort in the United States. They are driving economies, they’re driving behavior, and much to the surprise of baby boomers, they’re becoming a more and more important…
February 5, 2018
Greater Washington Partnership is composed of 20 members representing companies such as Under Armour, Capital One, and MedImmune. It addresses issues such as workforce development, and has released a report on the tech workforce in…
February 2, 2018
Today’s entrepreneur needs to be sensitive to the fact that their passion, their clear sense of vision, the way that they interact with their most important assets, their people, are critical building blocks in entrepreneurship…
January 29, 2018
Founder and President of Glassman Wealth Services discusses how tax reform will affect residents in the national capital region.
January 26, 2018
Aaron Gregg of the Washington Post explores what’s going on and what trends are emerging in DC’s business community.
January 24, 2018
Local business community is boosted by immigrants and multinational businesses, particularly Latin American businesses.
January 22, 2018
Society is getting wiser on how to communicate its support of mistrust of politicians, movements and brands. Richard Levick offers insight on what to expect next.
January 19, 2018
The opportunity to do business overseas can create thousands of jobs for an economy and many for business. In the current environment, sometimes people scratch their head and wonder: Is this still a good time…
January 17, 2018
Chuck Brooks was recently named by LinkedIn as one of the top five people to follow in cybersecurity issues among their 500 million members
January 15, 2018