
  • Internet routing tables are becoming a bigger concern for federal cybersecurity experts, as in recent weeks the protocol for internet routers appears to have been hacked. Traffic from some leading U.S. businesses and government agencies has been re-routed through China. A chief technologist with Neustar says part of the problem is that the Border Gateway Protocol the routers use doesn\'t require contractual relationships between routers, leading to a structure based on unconfirmed agreements.

    May 10, 2010
  • Microsoft slates 25-patch Windows update for next week, many PCs still vulnerable to Conficker worm, Chinese ISP momentarily hijacks the Internet

    April 09, 2010
  • The chairman of the joint chiefs says China\'s build of air, sea and miltiary power, which is fueled by it\'s strong economy looks to be aimed at the United States. Admiral Mike Mullen said China has the right to meet it\'s security needs but he\'s concerned the build up might require the U.S. to work with it\'s Pacific allies to respond. Mullen told the Navy League China\'s developing maritime resources that appear to be targeted at the U.S.

    May 04, 2009
  • China’s economy is healthy compared to other foreign countries, and Chinese leaders are in a position to back investments in the U.S. and abroad. CNN’s Brian Todd joins us to talk about why this influx…

    March 18, 2009
  • China’s relationship with the U.S. has been closely analyzed for years. A bipartisan commission says that cybersecurity attacks and trade violations create the biggest roadblocks to progress. Larry Wortzel is Chair of the U.S. China…

    December 02, 2008
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