Defense Logistics Agency

  • John Sepulveda, the Veterans Affairs Department assistant secretary for human resources and administration, said the portal lets employees assess their skill gaps and create a plan to move up the career ladder. HUD and DLA also have initiatives to create high performing employees and organizations.

    April 18, 2012
  • Several outsourcing-friendly provisions made their way into the Defense authorization bill approved by the House of Representatives last week. The bill would lift a moratorium on public-private competitions via the A-76 process in DoD, and expresses the sense of Congress that DoD should insource only those jobs which are inherently governmental.

    May 30, 2011
  • After 10 years of development and planning, the Defense Logistics Agency, the Defense Department\'s primary purchaser of almost everything besides weapons systems, is beginning to roll out a new enterprisewide system to automate the writing and management of the thousands of contract actions it processes each day.

    March 30, 2011
  • Defense Logistics Agency Director has a new 2011 Director\'s Guidance, which refocuses the agency\'s goals with an emphasis on increasing efficiencies and savings in accordance with Defense Department requirements. Details from DLA\'s Fred Baillie.

    October 08, 2010
  • The Defense Logistics Agency is looking into small business contracts

    August 24, 2010