• In the name of efficiency, the Army is making what it calls a big change in the way that it manages e-mail. The service said the move is designed to save millions of dollars at a time when the secretary of Defense is mandating significant savings.

    October 26, 2010
  • The Net-Centric Enterprise Services Program, a project of the Defense Information Systems Agency, allows secure information sharing between soldiers in the field, as well as between systems, DoD reports.

    October 21, 2010
  • Base hosts tour to show off new facilities

    October 20, 2010
  • October 20th, 2010 at 11 AM The application of knowledge discovery within the cloud is immensely powerful, but not inbuilt. We are collectively moving past the question of \"what is cloud computing\", and swiftly moving towards \"how does the cloud enable advanced analysis against massive volumes of data?\" With industry and government leveraging multiple clouds, how do we successfully share and search large collections of data across systems, departments, and geographies? Organizations will continue to discuss and better understand the analytic power and economies of cloud computing, in the sense of data storage, sharing, and management; but we are quickly discovering that creating knowledge from data is more than just a discussion of technology. It\'s a discussion of what can be accomplished when massive data and cloud computing efficiencies combine to make advanced analysis and innovation possible.

    October 15, 2010
  • DISA\'s Dave Bullock has done the loops and the laps. He tells us what he\'s found.

    September 10, 2010
  • Security is always a concern, but nowhere is it more important than at a place like the Defense Information Systems Agency. Henry Sienkiewicz, chief information officer at DISA and tells us all about how they’re…

    August 27, 2010
  • DISA\'s chief information officer says he\'s unsure how budget changes at DoD will affect his agency. Aug. 19, 2010

    August 18, 2010
  • Secretary Gates\' decision to cut three major offices will result in \"a substantial number\" of employees and contractors having to find new jobs. The CIO\'s functions will be split between DISA and ATL. DoD is moving major acquisition oversight to the chief management officer\'s office.

    August 10, 2010
  • The service names 25 software tools as winners in the Apps for the Army contest. Lt. Gen. Sorenson says the competition proves agile software development can be done well in the Army. He says a new memo is coming out that will change how the Army develops apps in the future.

    August 05, 2010
  • GAO questions cloud computing security, DISA lease woes slow cybercommand

    July 06, 2010
  • DISA information strategist John Garing retires. We talk with him about the past and his vision of the future.

    June 28, 2010
  • June 10th, 2010 With Collaboration being a critical enabler of 21st century \"Work\", panelists will examine how do you define, manage, and more importantly, increase collaboration? Their focus on this second session will be the Confidence Dimension of collaboration. Increasing collaboration and, subsequently, decision making, involves the level of trust you have in something -- in the information you have, the people with whom you are making decisions.

    June 08, 2010
  • This week, host John Gilroy talks about IT Service Management and Information Technology Infrastructure Library with DISA\'s Drew Jaehnig and CSC\'s Wendy Irion-Talbot. June 8, 2010

    June 08, 2010
  • The document highlights work being done by NIST, standards working group and budget guidance to agencies. NIST to come out with several special publications to help agencies implement cloud computing. The CIO Council also includes use cases on 30 different cloud implementations.

    May 26, 2010