• Intelligence community says developers should keep users\' needs at the forefront of any project. Other key best practices are to think big, start small and scale fast. Intelligence employees say Web 2.0 tools slowly are being institutionalized across the community.

    May 05, 2010
  • NSA opens up to Maryland contractors, Cyber Command nominee says policies aren\'t clear

    April 16, 2010
  • Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander tells lawmakers that the organization \"will not militarize cyberspace.\" He also details how the Cyber Command will help DHS protect .gov and .com networks. Senate Armed Services Members say Alexander is well-qualified to lead the command.

    April 16, 2010
  • DISA brings a career fair to Ft. Meade for the first time. DISA\'s director of Manpower, Personnel and Security Jack Penkoske says attendees can build their federal resumes, qualify for security clearances and take advantage of the organization\'s award-winning quality of life programs.

    April 13, 2010
  • DHS also will make Randy Vickers the permanent head of U.S. CERT. Stempfley would become the first permanent NCSD director since 2007. The division\'s oversight of federal civilian networks is growing more important with Einstein and TIC initiative.

    April 09, 2010
  • Agencies now have until Aug. 30 to hire a telecommunications provider. GSA and the carriers still are concerned that they will not have enough time to complete the transition by mid-2011. Interagency Management Council trying to increase the urgency of the need for agencies to move to Networx.

    November 19, 2009
  • Teamwork! That’s the idea behind a new partnership between the Defense Information Systems Agency and the Open Source Software Institute. The two groups have formed a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement. The agreement will pave…

    March 27, 2009
  • A Virginia-based IT company has helped the Defense Information Systems Agency advance its goal for core network services. Command Information provided strategic planning and analysis for Ipv6 at DISA. Jeremy Duncan, Command Information’s Director of…

    February 25, 2009
  • The Defense Information Systems Agency is meeting today to discuss what to do with the Defense Knowledge Online, or D-K-O, portal. DISA is developing a strategy for DKO as they face several challenges. FederalNewsRadio’s Jason…

    January 30, 2009
  • ‘The holy grail of collaboration’ is how one expert describes the possible expansion of the Defense Information Systems Agency’s unified communications program. DISA wants to provide instant messaging, chat and Web conferencing services to millions…

    October 20, 2008
  • 1:05: Presidential candidate Barack Obama says he’ll appoint a Chief Technology Officer if he’s elected President. Two experts with longtime government service in the IT industry talked about it: Roger Baker, former CIO at the…

    September 19, 2008
  • Richard Hale Chief Information Assurance Executive July 31st, 2008

    July 28, 2008
  • Originally Aired February 23th at 3:05pm

    February 18, 2006