
  • The Office of Personnel Management announced today that 21.5 million people were affected by the second breach of its background investigation databases. This includes 19.7 million people who applied for a background check, as well as another 1.8 million people whose personal information was included on clearance applications, such as spouses.

    July 09, 2015
  • Is the Social Security Administration being overloaded with calls from citizens trying to reach other federal agencies? Federal News Radio Senior Correspondent Mike Causey ponders this.

    July 07, 2015
  • Most organizations believe in getting intruders off your network as quickly as possible. But you may be missing out on a chance to learn how hackers operate. Jasper Graham is senior vice president of cyber technologies and anlytics at Darktrace, and former Technical Director at the National Security Agency. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he explained what a "honeypot" is, and why you might want to use one.

    January 15, 2015
  • The insider threat will be more in focus in 2015, according to many of the cyber experts we talked to for this year's Top 3 for 2015. But the insider threat isn't always someone -- or some people -- intentionally doing bad things to hurt your organization. Mischel Kwon is president of Mischel Kwon Associates, and former director of the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team at the Department of Homeland Security. She shared her Top 3 for 2015 on In Depth with Francis Rose. Kwon says "nerd wars" are the fastest growing form of insider threat.

    January 06, 2015
  • Federal employees are a prime target for hackers and other bad guys when on vacation. Learn 12 tips for keeping you and your federal-issued laptop safe while out of the office this summer.

    August 01, 2014
  • Federal employees are prime targets for hackers. If not properly secured, the computers and mobile devices they carry could open up their agency's network to malicious attacks. Devices can be especially vulnerable when you're on vacation and it's easy to let your guard down. Jerry Irvine is the chief information officer and a partner of Prescient Solutions. He told Tom Temin and Emily Kopp on the Federal Drive what feds should be aware of when they're traveling.

    July 31, 2014
  • Federal officials say Chinese hackers broke into the networks of the Government Accountability Office and the Government Printing Office back in March. While news of Chinese cyber attacks on federal agencies isn't unprecedented, the March attacks, first reported by the New York Times, have some observers scratching their heads. They say it's unclear why those two agencies would be targeted -- particularly in the case of GPO. Steve Bucci is director of the Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign and National Security Policy at the Heritage Foundation. He's also former deputy assistant Defense secretary. He said the attacks shouldn't come as a surprise on In Depth with guest host Jared Serbu.

    July 18, 2014
  • Cyber criminals are adjusting so quickly that it's become an 'arms race' between them and agency technology officers trying to guard against threats. During a recent Federal News Radio panel discussion, officials shared expertise and tactics for protection.

    July 18, 2014
  • Chinese hackers broke into OPM computer networks earlier this year with the intention of accessing the files of tens of thousands of federal employees who had applied for top-secret security clearances, according to a media report. OPM tells Federal News Radio, "neither OPM nor US-CERT have identified any loss of personally identifiable information."

    July 10, 2014
  • The study says Eastern European hackers have a more sophisticated infrastructure and use more sophisticated malware than Eastern Asian hackers.

    September 24, 2012
  • Terry Dunlap, founding partner of Tactical Network Solutions talks about the services his company provides to protect your computer networks from hackers. September 10, 2012

    September 10, 2012
  • Lookout says hackers in Russia and other countries are using premium messaging services to bilk phone users out of their money. Lookout says most of the attacks affect Android phones.

    September 07, 2012
  • Hackers are using official Defense Department seals in an online scam.

    August 31, 2012
  • The Army has awarded a contract for cyber maneuvering technology so that network administrators can stay a few steps ahead of hackers.

    July 18, 2012