Health IT

  • The Defense Department started deployment of its new electronic health record — a major milestone last week in the $4.3 billion program known as MHS Genesis.

    March 02, 2017
  • This week on Federal Tech Talk, host John Gilroy speaks with Blake Hall, founder & CEO of; Emily Tavoulareas, VA Digital Service, and Greg Gershman, co-founder/principal at Ad Hoc LLC. They will discuss a website called “” and how it opens up the world of collaboration in solving many issues with funneling 500 Department of Veterans’ Affairs websites into one portal. February 28, 2017

    February 27, 2017
  • Government Information Technology Executive Council President Sean Kelley and Lou Anne Brossman, a member of council's Executive Advisory Board, join host Mark Amtower to the upcoming GITEC summit and the value of networking in GovCon. February 20, 2017

    February 19, 2017
  • Almost exactly four years after the Defense and Veterans Affairs departments decided to go their separate ways in their projects to modernize their electronic health records, DoD’s brand new EHR is now up and running, at least at one base.

    February 14, 2017
  • The Government Accountability Office had some hard truths for the Veterans Affairs Department, which has failed to produce more modern, interoperable IT systems after years of failed pilots and heated congressional hearings. GAO says VA should drop its plans to modernize VistA and find a commercial option instead.

    February 07, 2017
  • Dr. Steve Bennett, director of Global Government Practice at SAS, joins host John Gilroy on this week's Federal Tech Talk to discuss advanced analytics, insider threats, data optimization, cyber analytics and big data. January 24, 2017

    January 23, 2017
  • According to cybersecurity firm TrapX, cyber attacks on health care organizations rose 39 percent last year with 93 major incidents. And a big way in is through unprotected medical device. Federal Drive with Tom Temin asks Anthony James, vice president of marketing at TRAPX Security, how vulnerable is the Veterans Affairs Department or TRICARE?

    January 11, 2017
  • NASA SEWP Program Manager Joanne Woytek and Allen Federal President Larry Allen join host Mark Amtower on this week's Amtower Off Center to discuss SEWP activity in 2016 and how GWACs help CIOs with FITARA. January 9, 2017

    January 08, 2017
  • Just like weather or traffic apps make it easy to share massive amounts of information with users, the National Cancer Institute is using an application programming interface (API) to connect patients with clinical trial data they otherwise wouldn't know about.

    December 27, 2016
  • Unified communications involves making sure everyone gets the message, no matter how it was sent. At the National Institutes of Health, it means combining phone, video, text and more to link doctors, administrators, researchers and patients with each other and outside organizations like universities.

    December 08, 2016
  • The Million Veteran Program has collected blood samples for genetic analysis from more than 500,000 veterans so far, making it the biggest database of genetic material in the world.

    November 23, 2016
  • While some agencies have jumped into the big data game without a clear plan for using it, others have been using data to improve their services for a while. One agency has even reached the point where it's discovered that too much data can be just as much a hindrance as a help.

    November 22, 2016
  • The second iteration of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Fraud Prevention System will make it faster and easier for investigators to track down fraud and abuse.

    October 17, 2016
  • The Defense Health Agency is rationalizing the hundreds of medical devices, programs and applications within military hospitals to make sure that they first can achieve interoperability with the Pentagon's new electronic health record. DHA Director Rear Adm. Raquel Bono said a new definition of "interoperability" is driving the department's initial work with the EHR.

    October 13, 2016