Health IT

  • At a recent health IT demonstration, the Veterans Affairs Department showcased nine different technologies that it hopes will change how it delivers health care. The agency is testing medical mobile apps on iPads with 1,000 severely injured veterans.

    August 02, 2013
  • House Armed Services and Veterans Affairs committees inserted a provision in the fiscal 2014 Defense Authorization Bill requiring DoD and VA to have an interoperable health record system by 2017. Agency officials say they already are and will continue to share health care data, but having one integrated, interoperable health care management system is no longer necessary.

    July 11, 2013
  • Frank Kendall says many different factors played into the Pentagon's decision to go with a competitive bidding process to develop its integrated electronic health record system, instead of adopting VA's VistA program. He said DoD wants to ensure its system is interoperable not just with VA hospitals but with civilian health facilities as well. In addition, Kendall cited cultural differences between the two large agencies.

    May 23, 2013
  • A memo obtained by Federal News Radio points to a split in thinking inside the Pentagon's efforts to achieve interoperability with VA's electronic health record system. An assessment by the Pentagon's office of operational test and evaluation, an internal acquisition watchdog, finds DoD's project to build a new electronic health record is "likely to be detrimental to the President's goals" for interoperable health IT.

    April 22, 2013
  • The Pentagon delays its RFP for a new electronic health record system. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel says a revised approach is coming soon.

    April 17, 2013
  • DoD said it is tightening-up governance over its large business IT systems, looking for indicators of future failure and forcing resource sponsors to justify their needs before projects begin. Elizabeth McGrath, DoD's deputy chief management officer, told House lawmakers the Pentagon is working on data quality and changing business processes to avoid previous problems.

    March 15, 2013
  • A House Veterans Affairs Committee hearing on the decision by the Defense and Veterans Affairs Departments to scale back plans for a joint integrated electronic-health records systems dredged up longstanding issues with the two departments' EHR efforts.

    February 27, 2013
  • Peter Levin, the Veterans Affairs chief technology officer, is leaving the agency. He follows Roger Baker, the agency's CIO and assistant secretary in the Office of Information and Technology, who resigned last week.

    February 18, 2013
  • The two departments are looking for "quick wins" in their integrated health-record strategy, aiming to bring the most important capabilities online three years early.

    February 06, 2013
  • The authors of a special report on health IT initiatives join In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss health IT initiatives.

    February 04, 2013
  • The Department of Veterans Affairs is trying out a new system of contests to make upgrades to its electronic medical record system. The agency plans to award up to three prizes worth $3 million to vendors who create open-source based components to VistA.

    February 01, 2013
  • Bob Otto, executive vice president at Agilex Technologies and the former chief information officer at the Postal Service, shares his technology predictions for next year as part of the special feature Top 3 for 2013

    December 27, 2012
  • The heads of DoD and VA met on Thursday, and decided they wanted to a plan to speed up the delivery of an integrated health record system, currently scheduled for implementation in 2017.

    December 07, 2012
  • Warren Suss of Suss Consulting discusses Sprint's acquisition by Japanese company Softbank. Harl Sanderson, the "mayor of Beale Air Force Base," is honored as manager of the year. Roger Baker, the CIO at the VA, talks about the benefits of electronic health records. Technology reporter Ed Scannell reviews Windows 8.

    October 19, 2012