Justin Herman

  • The General Services Administration launched the first-ever Public Participation Playbook. GSA said it will help federal agencies meet their open goverment priority goals. Justin Herman is SocialGov lead and manager of the Public Participation Playbook project at the General Services Administration. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he explained how it works.

    March 25, 2015
  • Cyber-vandalism presents a serious threat to agencies. Just ask U.S. Central Command. As several attacks over the past year proved, users need ways to prevent or at least counter intrusions of social media accounts. That's where the Social Media Cyber-Vandalism Toolkit comes in. It's a new "living document" from the General Services Administration. Justin Herman, the Social Media Program Lead in the Office of Innovative Technologies at GSA, joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to explain what's in the guide.

    February 11, 2015
  • In writing a new tipsheet for agencies about engaging the public, the White House is practicing what it's preaching.

    November 26, 2014
  • More than 60 social media apps are now available to agencies, allowing them to select the best method to meet their missions. One of the areas that's most ripe for innovation is in emergency management.

    January 23, 2014
  • On the Federal Drive show blog, you can listen to our interviews, find more information about the guests on the show each day, as well as links to other stories and resources we discuss.

    January 15, 2014
  • GSA led a 12-member interagency working group to create a set of measures specifically aimed at defining the usefulness of social media for agencies. The agency also released an API that lets users create tools to bring together government social media feeds in one place. Both tools are called for in the Digital Government Strategy.

    February 20, 2013
  • During Hurricane Sandy, agencies like FEMA and NOAA used various social media platforms to communicate with the public. They were able to dispel rumors and follow the situation on the ground as it unfolded.

    December 11, 2012
  • Todd Harrison of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment talks about possible defense cuts due to sequestration. Attorney Bill Bransford discusses the legal ramifications of lie detectors. Social media expert Justin Herman of the GSA explains how social media is being used in the aftermath of emergencies. John Palguta of the Partnership for Public Service ponders what may be in store for feds in 2013. Paul Verkuil explains what the Administrative Conference of the United States has been up to.

    December 11, 2012