
  • NASA sidesteps flaws in FISMA, Microsoft to give feds early warning on security

    May 20, 2010
  • May 18th Join us for this month\'s Gov Con Straight Talk where Microsoft will be joined by Dwayne Cook, Midatlantic Practice Leader, Tatum Partners and Mac McLauchlin, also a partner at Tatum specializing in International Management. The discussion will focus on how companies with government contracts need to adopt real-word strategies to master and manage effectively areas of Contract Administration and Cash Flow Management Governance. Panelists will touch upon the interest the Government has in offering contractors opportunities for financial rewards sufficient to stimulate effective contract performance, and to attract the best qualified small and large business concerns. Rules, however, need to be understood and implemented in order to achieve good contract performance, profitability and adequate cash flow levels.

    May 11, 2010
  • MS Patch Tuesday preview, White House sees no cyberattack in Wall Street plunge

    May 10, 2010
  • Governments the targets of a quarter of all cyberattacks, Microsoft retracts fix for Windows 2000 bug

    April 26, 2010
  • April 20th Being audited by the DCAA is a necessary outcome of doing business with the government. Tune into this week\'s Gov Con Straight Talk with Microsoft to learn what to expect during a DCAA system audit and what government contactors can do today to help ensure they successfully pass when faced with an audit. The panel will also address how CFOs of government contractors can set their organizations up for success by building a financial management foundation with growth options in out years.

    April 13, 2010
  • We’ve been talking about the importance of cloud computing to many agencies. Today’s Microsoft ” FutureFed” blog talks about the essential role that cloud computing can play in creating a more agile, efficient, and cost-effective…

    October 16, 2009
  • The migration to Windows Vista in the Federal market has been slow, and Microsoft is already close to releasing Vista’s successor, Windows 7. The National Institute of Standards and Technology is looking at Windows 7…

    July 16, 2009
  • Cybersecurity is a hot topic in Washington as we await the appointment of President Obama’s cyber czar. The House Science Subcommittee on Technology and Innovation asked four witnesses to testify about cybersecurity activities at NIST…

    June 29, 2009
  • A new pilot program is aimed at improving the care of diabetes patients in Miami. The University of Miami is joining forces with Microsoft and Resolute Solutions Corporation to help diabetes patients better interact with…

    June 15, 2009
  • President Obama is pushing Congress to enact sweeping healthcare legislation this year that would hold down costs and provide health coverage for 50 million uninsured Americans. The President met with members of the Senate yesterday.…

    June 03, 2009
  • Evans still pushing for more results in final 6 weeks

    December 05, 2008
  • Evans still pushing for more results in final 6 weeks

    December 05, 2008
  • FederalNewsRadio has been tracking the issue of cloud computing — that is where data is stored on somebody elses systems, not on an agency’s own systems. If you use Web mail, you have used cloud…

    November 12, 2008
  • Vendors say agencies likely to start small with private networks

    October 30, 2008