
  • Federal News Radio hosted an online chat with Charlie Armstrong, assistant commissioner and chief information officer at Customs and Border Protection. If you missed it live, view an archived version of the chat here.

    December 18, 2012
  • The federal government is on a quest to provide high-quality agency data to the public through a variety of digital avenues. But standing in the path of agencies' ability to provide government data "anytime, anywhere and on any device" are a number of potential roadblocks, according to a series of new reports from the Federal Chief Information Officers' Council.

    December 17, 2012
  • The mobile revolution isn't new to many agencies. Laptops and BlackBerrys have been standard issue for many government executives for the last decade. What is different, however, is the widespread use of smartphones and tablet computers. Both agencies and citizens hold new and more immediate expectations because of these devices, and the government must adapt to this technololgy. In our special report, Gov 3.0: It's Mobile, Federal News Radio explores how some agencies are meeting the demand internally and externally for mobile devices and apps. The challenge, like any new technology, is ensuring these devices actually help meet mission goals and don't become just another shiny toy.

    December 07, 2012
  • Federal agencies across the government have dipped their toes in the mobile pond. While agencies have implemented the new technology for a variety of reasons, there are a couple of common lessons learned shared by the early adopters. Two federal chief information officers who have overseen their agency's mobile transitions shared best practices and compelling use-cases in a panel discussion as part of Federal News Radio's special series, Gov 3.0: It's Mobile.

    December 07, 2012
  • Starting a new relationship can be hard, especially if it begins with the breakup of a long-time companion. As more federal agencies dump their old BlackBerry smartphones and transition to the iPhone or Android-based devices, some managers are finding it difficult to make the switch.

    December 07, 2012
  • Just two years ago, Arlington National Cemetery was plagued by mismarked and unidentified gravesites and incomplete paper records. Now, the Army has at its disposal a massive, GPS-enabled digital database of every gravesite. And what's more — the cemetery has made the database available to the public via its website and a mobile application.

    December 06, 2012
  • The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission needed to find savings after its IT budget received a 15 percent reduction in 2012. Kim Hancher, the EEOC CIO, decided to reduce spending on mobile devices and instituted a BYOD policy to cut spending by almost 50 percent. December 6, 2012

    December 06, 2012
  • The Veterans Affairs Department's mobile projects have centered on improving internal business processes and changing how the agency interacts with the public. The department's "Clinic-in-Hand" program, which will launch early next year, will deploy iPads to family caregivers of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. And increasingly VA doctors and nurses are eschewing the clipboards and prescription pads in favor of mobile options.

    December 06, 2012
  • Lisa Mascolo, the CEO of enterprise IT firm Optimos joins Industry Chatter with Francis Rose to discuss mobile technology trends for the future.

    December 06, 2012
  • Rick Holgate, the assistant director and chief information officer for Office of Science and Technology in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said the Digital Government Strategy helped get agencies moving in the right direction around mobile.

    December 06, 2012
  • As part of our special report, Gov 3.0: It's Mobile, Federal News Radio polled 28 agencies about the status of their mobile and Bring-Your-Own-Device strategies. Of the 21 agencies that responded, most reported they either had a mobile strategy in place or were developing one.

    December 06, 2012
  • United States Agency for International Development Does your department or agency have a mobile strategy or policy? Mobility is a key component of the United States Agency for International Development’s Information Technology Strategic Plan, last…

    December 06, 2012
  • Kathleen Frisbee talks about mobile efforts at the Veterans Health Administration. Richard Buangan of the State Department talks about an agency Twitter account that tweets off-message. Ticora Jones discusses new development labs built with seed money from USAID.

    December 06, 2012
  • Mark Goodge, the chief technology officer of the Military Health System, said the agency is putting the right frameworks and policies in place to enable a more robust computing environment where patients and health care providers can take advantage of smartphones and tablets. With 9.6 million people under its care, Goodge said MHS's number one priority is security.

    December 06, 2012